✔ 最佳答案
When the airhole is opened, the colour of the flame is blue (kind of a light blue colour) so that you can hardly see that. It is dangerous if someone walk pass and knock it over or not aware that there is a flame just right to them!
So for safety reason, we have to close the air hole such that the colour of the flame turns orange. In that case, people can now see and be aware of the bunsen flame and will take cautious care when walking pass them.
>> 如果你係lab 有用過bunsen, 就會知道, 如果air hole 開左, 個火有時真係藍到睇唔到, 好多時d人睇唔到,就可以會"挨"左埋去, 燒著左d野, 又或是會整跌左個bunsen, 攪到有火警. 所以我地好多時唔用就會close 左個airhole, 咁個火變番做橙色, 你離遠都見到有個火係度, 就唔會整親了. 呢個係安全問題 :D
參考: Graduated from University Chemistry