Im depressed and seriously considering suicide?

2012-10-12 3:56 pm
Im 15 and from the UK. I have been cutting for about a year and had suicidal thoughts for aslong as i can remember. I feel so hopeless, my parents dont understand a thing i say. I know the internet is not a good place to go but i have no where else to go.

回答 (16)

2012-10-12 4:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don't listen to the ones saying it's a phase. That does not change how you are feeling right now. Weather it's a phase or not, right now you're stll depressed. Now, what you're feeling is not rare, so remember millions of people around the world as you're reading this feel exactly the same.

Nothing good comes out of depression, you physically and mentally become tired. And as you're still in school, people your age are very prone to it with all the opression that goes on in schools.

Just look at the success and happines of others. We're all human, we're all the same. So what's stopping you from becoming a success story? I certainly am aiming for that and so should you! Theres a whole world out there waiting ti be discovered. You're only 15, you're a child. Who knows what you'll do with your life. There are so many doors and oppotunities out there. The only one who can decided what happens is YOU.

Don't kill yourself, and stop cutting yourself. Who is it helping? No one. Channel your emotional pain into something productive. Build up your time with hobbies and do things you enjoy. Once you leave school you'll find it easier to be happy. I know I did, I was very depressed in high school. Good luck Abdul, you'll be fine. Also go and talk to your doctor.
2016-07-31 8:16 pm
I'm presently searching for a treatment to my own head case problems i dealt with all my life. No longer certain if its chemical or realized disorders. By using writing down a record of matters that make you comfortable, matters you're grateful for. Don't focal point on the bad purpose it's going to strengthen the drawback, i see alot of folks that have a "ok" lifestyles center category and many others with moms and dads and now not terribly abused which can be self harmful, ever think about those which are beautiful happy and far worse off africa the azn nations even mexico or orphans and mentally disabled that don't have any stability or opportunity to make a greater existence however they seem blissful ample for probably the most phase. Men and women in these negative lands or and not using a mother and father have got to fully grasp that they wont turn out to be wealthy victorious lawyers or doctors and so on, however they take joy in what they do have. However yes perhaps doing volunteer work serving to people who have some distance lower than you or helping animals may give perspective there are many a long way worse positions than you i am sure, not to make gentle of any abuses real or perceived you've suffered. Also talking to a few one maybe a preist or early life minister(decide on one who wont molest you) institution counselor(in case you get guaranteed that it stays personal) or suicide hotline or emergency help they may be competent to endorse areas you can go close you to speak to a few one with coaching
2012-10-12 4:30 pm
C'mon Abdul.. You are just 15!! Why would you want to kill yourself when there is so much to do and so much to see in this world... When you die, you just die. That's a permanent exit. Your parents don't have to understand you, mine don't understand me either. Be yourself and don't give a damn to the world..
Read some motivational stuff and see if that helps you.

I wish you all the best in your life, and don't commit suicide.!!
2012-10-12 4:19 pm
Dude, quit thumbs downing good comments just coz you're depressed....
Find someone to talk to whether it be a friend, a hotline, a teacher, a parent, even a good stranger. Ask yourself why is it that you CUT yourself and want to END your life????
1. Then write down all the reasons.
2. Then come up with alternative things that you would rather have than those reasons.
3. Then try to figure out a way to replace the negative reasons with what you'd rather have, (You might not get exactly what you want but anything is better than a reason to kill yourself)

But you seriously need to talk to SOMEONE about it; not telling anyone will only make youself feel worse... Taking your own life is the worst thing you can do to yourself.
2012-10-12 4:13 pm
Abdul. You are so young. You must talk to someone about the way you feel. visit your doctor and tell him how you feel hopeless and alone. A counsellor would listen to you and teach you how to change your way of thinking and see things in a different light. You have your whole life ahead of you and as this is a phase you will be laughing about it before too long... Everyone feels down at times. Stop beating yourself up.. If a friend of yours felt this way what would you say to that friend. There will be folk in your life who love you and would be devastated if anything happened to you. Think positive. Talking about things is the best way forward. God bless
2012-10-12 4:06 pm
Why would you wanna kill yourself? Your young, you have a whole world you still haven't seen and so many things you haven't tried like scuba diving, or having our own car, going to college meeting new people, it's endless with all the things you can do. I don't know what your going through I can only hope that you see that your here for a reason and that life can be hard and you may get knocked down but everytime you get up you get stronger. Your a strong person and you know it, live your life to the fullest!
2012-10-12 4:03 pm
Don't kill yourself, you think that no one understands you, but they do . A boy at my school killed himself, thinking nobody would care. This was three years ago and still people cry over it. Go get counseling or go some place where they can listening to you. Make your parents understand. Self harm is never the right thing to do. I don't know you, but please, don't. Btw you aren't hopeless, you are successful but you hide it from yourself until it is time to shine
參考: Me self and school
2012-10-12 4:00 pm
Funny how it's always the parents who don't understand a thing, yet they are not the ones cutting themselves and considering death... If you can accept that you have a problem, go and see a counselor with your parents. You are all too close to it so get an outside view and take things from there. Never, ever make your parents feel helpless or inadequate because of your issues and failings.
2012-10-12 4:00 pm
U talk to a friend or a teacher..or a psychologist if u can.. Commiting suicide is the ugliest choice. Ur to young to feel hopeless..... Divert ur attention on doing something u love.
2012-10-12 4:01 pm
You may be going through a phase. First, stop the cutting. You need some positive energy so find your closest friends and talk to them. Get your mind off. You will be much stronger when you get through this phase. Many people had depression right at your age. Be strong. Stop the negative thoughts. You will be fine.

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