Do you believe that bad command over language create communication gap in a relationship?

2012-10-12 3:25 pm
I looked up to matrimonial profile of one guy who wrote in his profile that the girl I would like to marry should have excellent command over English and Hindi because I believe that bad command over language (commonly used by couple) and lack of skills of presenting oneself in right words can create communication gap between couple and also form intellectual incompatibility. And communication gap can create lots of misunderstanding in relationship. Do you agree/believe. Yes/No and Why? What is your opinion in this or what do you have to say regarding this?

回答 (6)

2012-10-12 4:17 pm
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I agree with him. In any relationship communication is key. Language is the only way we can convey our thoughts and feelings, so yes, one needs to be able to communicate in the same language, at the same level, and with the same understanding.
2016-10-08 4:18 pm
incredible command over English has no longer something to do with being a sturdy man or woman. there are countless those with undesirable command over English yet yet they have a golden heart. Even Adolf Hitler had sturdy command over English yet yet he develop into an identical man or woman remembered for the bloodbath of Jews, an incident, it rather is regularly attributed as between the brutal crimes adversarial to humanity. Love has its own language and isn't any longer depending upon the verbal skills. Love seems previous all imperfections. Lust has its eyes set on perfections and the glitter and glory of this worldly existence. lack of love creates the communication hollow in any relationship and marital relationships aren't any exception. 2 intellectually properly matched people may have communication gaps in step with lack of love between them. you should have regularly heard of Mentally properly matched couples divorcing on grounds of lack of expertise, intolerance and shortage of love for an extra. actual Love is the backbone of any efficient marriage because love seems previous all imperfections.
2012-10-12 6:01 pm
yea it can happen..
2012-10-12 7:16 pm
Whomever posted that profile has grossly misused the word "command", so I am going to ignore that word and base my answer solely on what I believe he means as communication skills.

Yes, communication skills are very important with anyone you deal with. A parent, a child, a sibling, a co worker, a student, a professor, a boss and ultimately a life long mate. So, yes, communication skills are ultra important in any healthy relationship. It is no secret that a communication gap or a lack of communication or poor communication can create misunderstandings, resentments and arguments. I think we all know that.

Reading between the lines, this profile sounds like it was written by a guy who wants to dominate and be superior because he has self importance issues.
2012-10-12 3:56 pm
It is true to a point. There could be unnecessary arguments due to mis-communication. But if two people are truly in love, they will be able to work out these problems. The bottom line is, if the couple are not compatible, it is probably not due to things other than the language barrier.
2012-10-12 3:35 pm
he's an intellectual snob- don't bother with his talk, his head's up his rectum

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