WARNING: HOLLYOAKS SPOILER - Are You Looking Forward To Christmas?

2012-10-12 1:46 pm
Are you ready for this?

*drum roll*

It looks like John-Paul McQueen will be returning to Hollyoaks this Christmas :-D

A link to this story: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s13/hollyoaks/news/a430243/hollyoaks-james-sutton-returning-as-john-paul-mcqueen.html was just re-tweeted on Twitter by none other than than James Sutton himself !

I haven't been able to watch any soaps for most of this year, hence my not asking or answering any question for such a long time, but if John-Paul is putting in an appearance I'm definitely going to find a way to watch it.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's more than just a flying visit & that he doesn't turn up alone ;-)

So, are you looking forward to Christmas?
I know I am :-D

@5427 As of this moment there is no word yet on Craig's involvement :-\

回答 (6)

2012-10-12 7:11 pm
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Hey nice to see you on here again! I hope you've been keeping up to date with all the Brendan stuff!! (and syed in Enders)!!
Yeah I just saw this on Facebook I love John Paul but I hope he is still with Craig
I have a sneaky feeling he gets involved in the whole Brendan/ste/doug triangle going by something Emmett posted on twitter either way the Oaks looks like its gonna continue to be fab!
2012-10-12 4:01 pm
The only McQueen's I like are Jacqui and Myra. The other characters have run their course but John Paul was ok. It may be good if he returns to balance the female family members out a bit.
2012-10-12 2:12 pm
will our prayers be answered...

will the lovely craig dean be back!

oh please let them come back

I just love these two
2012-10-13 2:40 pm
I know I saw this on facebook yesterday and almost screamed I was that excited! I can't wait for JP to come back, the McQueen family is so much better when he is around!
2016-07-31 7:43 pm
Seemed forward to Christmas immensely except Sunday when a big family trouble arose leaving the entire family absoluutely devastated. Just don`t know the way we are going to be capable to cope tomorrow. No longer watching ahead to the worst Christmas ever
2012-10-15 8:39 pm
aww geez why are they bringing that wet blanket back

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