What about that asteroid coming between Earth and Moon on Friday?

2012-10-12 5:58 am
Asteroid 2012 TC4 is coming close to earth and it is as big as a house.

Any Asteroid Lover have an interpretation? It isn't a well-known asteroid but you can watch it happen online at: http://www.virtualtelescope.eu/webtv/

And you can read about it here.


Everyone I've talked to today has said they have felt tired. In the Midwest anyway. It's as good an excuse as any to have a "chill" day. Just thought it was interesting.

And what is your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Rising Sign,? Thank you.

回答 (12)

2012-10-12 6:22 am
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Didn't know about the asteroid.
Did took a 3hour nap(I don't usually nap.. connection O_o?).
參考: Sco Gem Sag
2012-10-12 1:42 pm
I saw on discovery channel documentary on how scientist explains that one asteroid at the size of half the size of Japan can destroy the whole world ....damn, no 2012, please! I'm too pretty to die this early!
參考: Cancer sun Gemini moon Cap rising
2012-10-12 1:28 pm
Ive felt tired but now at the right times. For the past 3 days been going to bed 3-7 hours earlier than I usually do and waking up 5-7 hours earlier than I usually do. Is the asteroid affecting our sleeping patterns? Usually I am a night owl or insomniac, and it's been the opposite. Thanks for sharing the link.
2012-10-13 8:17 am
I'm so tired all the time anymore that I'm feeling more and more like Lili Von Shtupp from Blazing Saddles. So it's hard to tell when I'm more tired than usual. I'm in the midwest too, and I'd like to sleep every time it rains.

The asteroid is as big as a house, but there's a lot of houses between us and it ... unless our math is terribly in error. :)

Edit: Whoops... Pisces, Libra, Libra
2012-10-12 1:56 pm
Interesting. I know relatively nil about this asteroid, but it was funny I kept getting a feeling that something intriguing was going to occur on Friday. I have been in a rather lazy mood recently, as well as rather restless and unable to sleep. I can't really say if that has to do with the appearance of this asteroid so much though.

Rising→ Virgo
Sun→ Libra
Moon→ Taurus
參考: PhD Metaphysical Sciences
2012-10-13 4:51 am
I have been feeling tired too!!!! Now that I think about it, it could have been that J I just smoked about an hour ago...
參考: Readers Digest
2012-10-12 1:34 pm
I did overhear somebody say "it's just one of those days." I was out shopping half the day. The alarm kept going off when I walked out of one store, after a lot of back and forth it turned out there was a tag inside the pocket of a jacket I just bought. Customer service worker had found it hidden there, a bit after they told me I could just pass the alarm. But this was a jacket for my 90 yo grandfather and I couldn't just give it to him like that, he'd be setting off alarms every where he goes. He'd surely be confused so I absolutely had to find that tag before leaving the store.
Then I friggn left the bag at another store. I called the store and stupid lady took my name and phone number.. I even told her where it was but I decided to go back to the store and when I got there it was still sitting in the same spot I left it. No one even went to check or pick it up for me. Great that no one took it but those store workers are retarded.
I grabbed it and walked away.. I hear somebody say "it's just one of those days." And I thought yeah I guess it is. Not so bad but that's the first time I left something behind in a store like that. I'm Taurus moon, you know. Aries sun, Pisces rising
2012-10-13 3:36 am
Interesting. I didnt even hear about this asteroid until now.

So its coming between the earth & our moon? Hmm

No I havent felt more tired; I've actually felt less tired than usual, been less lazy this week to be honest. But I'm not in the Midwest - Far east coast actually.

Everyone stay safe!!
2012-10-12 2:11 pm
No, I didn't know about the asteroid until now.

I'm generally lazy, so I don't think there's any difference with me anyways.
But for the past few weeks, like 2-3 or 4 weeks, I hardly remember any of my dreams. I can only remember that I dreamed, but nothing specific at all. I mean I usually remember something...
參考: Sun in Scorpio. Moon in Cancer. Ascendant in Capricorn.
2012-10-13 12:22 am
I am the first to response my first Amethyst33 Q. Compliment me at once! :DD
This is an interesting time for me. Ummm I cannot delay for this asteroid to hit! Lastly Armageddon made the decision to come.
2012-10-14 7:37 am
Just to let you know I read a bit about it, what caught my attention was 2012 TC4 will be sailing through the stars of Sagittarius at one degree every 5 minutes.

Sagittarius is high strung, lots of energy running around doing things but can get bogged down with details, and just have to take a long rest. So naturally I thought that could be why we're tired. It depends on the energy level I guess. Then, there is the Virgo Moon (which is void of course now) and may feel like shopping, can get scattered under Sagittarius and attention span can be short. Forgetful at times, might leave a package at the store. Someone mentioned that!
Cancer Sun, Libra/Scorpio Moon, Libra/Scorpio Rising
參考: Just my 2 cents

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