A string is attached to the rear-view mirror of a car. A ball is hanging on the other end of the string. The c?

2012-10-11 2:07 pm
A string is attached to the rear-view mirror of a car. A ball is hanging on the other end of the
string. The car is driving along a circular path, at a constant speed. Which of the following lists
gives all of the forces directly acting on the ball? (neglect air resistance)
a. Tension and gravity
b. tension, gravity and centripetal force
d. tension gravity centripetal force and frictional force

回答 (5)

2012-10-11 3:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Because gravity is pulling down on the ball. The string is resisting that force so it's under tension. The cars circular motion is causing a centrifugal force that is swinging the ball toward the outside of the circle.

Friction has nothing to do with anything here. The air inside the car is in motion at the same rate as the ball. (unless you have a fan running). ( A ) is only part of the answer, ( C ) is even less a part of the answer - but a part of it nonetheless.

Only ( B ) describes all the forces acting on the object in question.

Hope this helps.

'av'a g'day mate.

2015-10-23 3:42 am
Just Tension and Gravity
2012-10-11 2:55 pm
Against the law. You should have nothing in the windscreen to interrupt the view or distract the driver.
2012-10-11 2:43 pm
2012-10-11 2:51 pm
Gotta be 'B'
A is static
C is static
D is moving circular motion but in contact with the floor or whatever.

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