20分!翻譯英文信 coverletter

2012-10-11 6:22 am

您好! 頃自貴公司網頁,得悉 貴公司擬徵XXXX ”的職位,本人自感條件適合,且一向有志於從事XXXX工作,特此來函應徵。

本人於2000年畢業於XXXX,主修理科。 由於本人對XXXX深感興趣,除工作需求外,本人亦於閒時閱讀一些與XXXX有關的書籍及部落格,藉此增加對XXXX的認識與了解。相信所累積的經驗,對工作有極大的幫助。


貴公司規模宏大,成長快速。本人深信若能加入 貴公司工作,必能獲益良多。雖然缺乏有關工作經驗,但必能以努力與熱誠來勝任這份工作 。希望能在近期內獲得面試機會,能夠聊聊本人志向、抱負及對未來工作的信心。謝謝您﹗

回答 (2)

2012-10-24 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello! Works from your Web page, have your company introduction of XXXX " post, I perceived the conditions for, and which has always been interested in
working in XXXX, hereby communications recruitment.

I graduated in 2000 from XXXX, majoring in science. Because of my deep interest in XXXX, work demands, I will also be fun reading some books and blog in relation to XXXX, to increase awareness and understanding of XXXX. Believe that the accumulated experience, there is a great deal of help.

At the same time, I am responsible, punctual and honest and trustworthy, and able to work independently under pressure, service good, boss and colleague award-winning, and won the love of service objects.

Your company is large-scale, growing fast. I firmly believe that if they can join your company will benefit. Despite the lack of relevant experience, but will be able to work with enthusiasm to qualified for the job. Hoping to get interview
opportunities in the near future, will talk about my ambition, ambition and
confidence in our future work. Thank you!Resumes are attached b, jinghou tour.
If the cast gave, to sense.
2012-10-14 9:59 pm
Hello! Are from your company website, noted that the Company's proposal to levy XXXX "post, I self-inductance conditions are suitable, and has always been interested in engaging in XXXX work, applicant hereby Letters.

I graduated in 2000 from XXXX, majoring in science. I XXXX deeply interested, in addition to work requirements, I also leisure time reading the XXXX-related books and blogs, to increase awareness and understanding of XXXX. Believe the cumulative experience of great help.

At the same time, I have the responsibility, punctual and honest, able to work independently under pressure, good service attitude, Commendation award superiors and colleagues, and won the service object of affection.

Your company is large-scale, rapid growth. I firmly believe that if we join your company will be able to benefit greatly. Despite the lack of relevant work experience, but will be able to the hard work and dedication to do the job. Hoping to get interviews in the near future, be able to talk about my ambition, ambition and confidence in the future work. Thank you!
The now attach resume one copy, Jinghou the the station browse. If you care to bestow see, to sense.
參考: google

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