Question about English Tense

2012-10-10 11:18 pm
1. He is wearing a hat.
2. He wears a hat.

The first sentence is present continuous tense. We can use it when we are having a conservation with our friends.
But what is the case of second sentence. I mean, when should I use it? To describe a habit? or...?


回答 (3)

2012-10-11 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
When the action is continuos, I mean the action, wearing a hat, hasn't been finished yet, we use present continuous tense.

In sentence 2, it is to describe the status of he. It means he is with a hat, so simple present tense should be used here.

2012-10-10 16:49:09 補充:
1. 他在戴上帽子。
2. 他是戴著帽子的。
參考: n/a
2012-10-11 5:27 am
The second one is present tense,it is useD for the things that are usually done.
2012-10-11 3:47 am
The second one is present tense,it is use for the things usually do!
參考: text book

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