why cant we vote like this?

2012-10-09 10:09 pm
lets vote in a priority order. first determine the top 2 and then add up the total votes to them seperatly.
so my voting might be like
1) Johnson
2) Romney

so we calculate all the #1 and see who is the top 2 contenders. then recount the highest vote to those 2. in my case if the runoff was between Johnson and Romney then my vote goes to Johnson. but if the runoff is between Romney and Obama then my vote goes to Romney.

runoff - i am not talking about a runoff - just a recount (computers do it in seconds) of your existing votes

回答 (6)

2012-10-09 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Too many voters would find that system too confusing and they would not go along with what they don't understand.
2012-10-10 5:11 am
Becuase that's needlessly complex.
2012-10-10 5:14 am
Because it will give rise to third and fourth and fifth parties. Then the .01%ers wouldn't have control of the electorate.

Both parties are bought and paid for, just Obama is better for the Middle Class than Romney!

Obama and Democrats across the board! 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2012-10-10 5:11 am
expensive and unnecessary
2012-10-10 5:13 am
Well, one reason is that there's no provision in law for a Federal run-off election.

Nor should there be. Pick one and stick to it. OWN it.
2012-10-10 5:16 am
Why doesn't Romney move more in your direction so you are more inclined to vote for him? I will tell you why-he wants to go the other way and so he is as right as he ever intends to be. Why cause himself to look even more like a hypocrite and flip flopper than he already does by promising a true Republican platform? He isn't going to stay there.

I remember this same drivel with Bush. Rush Limbaugh was convinced Bush would be Reagan-like. Turns out Bush spent like crazy.

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