Is it any wonder that the US Economy is in the crapper when President Obama......?

2012-10-09 2:20 pm
Is it any wonder that the US Economy is in the crapper when President Obama and the Obamabots are more concerned about a ficticious animal character on a children's TV Show than they are about the 23 Million Americans who are out of work now ?

The US has had 44 + Consecutive Months of 8 + % Unemployment every single month through last month since Obama tince Obama took office in January, 2009 and when those who have dropped out of the Job Market and given up looking for work are factored in.....the True Unemployment Rate is between 11- 14 % which is something you will never hear Obama admit or discuss.........

回答 (21)

2012-10-09 2:55 pm
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Sad part is that there are a lot of people that still believe in Obama and support all of his failures.
2012-10-09 9:24 pm
I wonder if all the millionaires out there that bought and then moved companies out of the country because of cheaper labor has anything to do with the employment rate. Yep , one side always blames the other when all of the politicians are at fault for the way the country is. Remember that Obama is only a figure head, the Congress and Representatives really run the country.
2012-10-09 9:29 pm
Iw was the Bush Blunder and investers like Romney that sold out jobs to China!
2012-10-09 9:24 pm
" the US economy " is a very broad term . wealth does not disappear , it just changes hands . there is just as much wealth in america as there was 5 , 10 , or 20 years ago . since 9 11 we have seen the largest redistribution of wealth in human history , from the middle class working man , up to the top few percent richest . the rich mans economy is doing very well . in 2011 publicly traded corporations made the most profit , EVER , in history . they are sitting on over $2 trillion dollars cash . their economy is doing very well . they are sitting on 5/6 of all cash in circulation . it is unprecedented for corporations to hoard so much cash , usually they pay out profits to shareholders in the form of dividends . it's as if there is a conspiracy to keep capital OUT of the economy to keep unemployment high , just to make obama look bad .
the economy is NOT in the crapper . it's just that SOME folks are greedy .
i blame the zionist agenda of greed of wall street , corporations , and the bankers .
i will vote for a president and congress that salutes a flag with five pointed stars , not your six .
2012-10-09 9:55 pm
The Godfather respondent is way off in accuracy, but that appears to be par for the course. The price-gouging on gas began with the ILLEGAL invasion of Iraq in 2003, and was driven by Market speculations aided and abetted by the Bush/Cheney/KochBros (oilmen) collusions. The price for gas has not fallen below the $3/gallon level since then, although here in the Midwest we have stabilized to around $3.39 to $3.49 per gallon. The California prices were because two refineries in CA shut down---an aberration.

When the national unemployment figure seemed to stagnate at the 8.3%-8.1% level, there were 32 states which had significantly lower levels, another 11 states that were either at or near par within that 8th percentile, and only SEVEN states (Nevada being the worst at 11.6%) were above 9% or into the double-digit range. If any of you ever had a teacher that graded on the curve, your A or B grade was lowered by the number of D or F grades that skewed the results, keeping you from getting the full credit for your diligence and intelligence that you may have deserved. The 32 states with lower rates were in many cases helped by the President's Recovery and Reinvestment Act (see website for specifics), and by other wise policies of the Obama administration.

The Bush administration cheated (fudged) the figures, keeping war costs off the books, deliberately omitting the costs of their foolish deficit-exploding not-paid-for mandates (tax cuts for the wealthiest 1.5% that cut more than $800 billion in revenues; the Medicare Part D; the foolish "No Child Left Behind), and they used military recruits as "new hires" on their books to paint the sow's ear in a desparate attempt to convince the American public it was somehow a "silk purse." The Bush/Cheney administration had ample warning about the GOP-deregulated Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac looming fiasco, yet took no action to prevent MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of Americans from losing their homes---a catastropy that was predicted by National Public Radio way back in 2004 and 2005. Construction is a large part of our employment opportunities, and the housing crisis slowed construction to a mere "trickle" (part of the GOP's "trickle on down" crappola, one supposes), so we were HEMORRHAGING JOBS from late 2007 through 2008 and on into the first months of 2009--a trend that was HALTED with the wise enactment of the Recovery and Reinvestment Act ("stimulus"), the tax cuts for 95% of American workers that sparked more consumer spending (the GROWTH factor during economic downturns and severe shrinkage as occurred under the Republicans' policies), and the politically brave bailout of the American auto industry.

If you naysayers and far-right-wing Bush-policy pushers cannot be part of the solution (which would mean you would be voting DEMOCRAT this November), then please at least stop being part of the problem!
2012-10-09 9:39 pm
The Panic of 2008 was one of the worst depressions since the Great Depression. The housing bubble burst, banks and financial institutions were in danger of collapsing, and many did.
Credit dried up. All of this rolled over into 2009. President Obama took over just as the tidal wave hit.
You can't measure his effect on the economy from the first month of office. But no matter which unemployment chart you use, the rates have been slowly coming down.
There isn't much a President can do, especially if he doesn't have coop-oration from Congress. He has to rely on the private sector to start the recovery. If the Republican were in office, the same thing would have happened.
2012-10-09 9:46 pm
Right, because this came up so many times before the debate. The issue is that the Republicans are running on a platform of fiscal responsibility and budget cuts, but when pressed for specifics on what they want to cut, all they give is Planned Parenthood and PBS, which represent less than 0.1% of the deficit. Obama proposes a tax increase on the rich that will cut the deficit by 5-10%, and they complain it's too small an effect to be worth it. Balancing the budget through spending cuts alone, while not cutting military spending, is going to require massive cuts to everything. It will make Greece or Spain look like a picnic.

People like Mary Christmas parrot the U6 rate pretending to be an economist. U6 is not the "true" unemployment rate that the government is hiding because it's so bad. U6 is a measure of labor force under-utilization. Marginally attached workers are not discouraged workers, that's a different category. Marginally attached workers are those who stopped looking for work for reasons other than economic conditions. If Mary bothered to look at the history of the U6 rate, and possibly even do some math to see how it has changed with the recession she would see that:
1. Normal U6 is around 8%
2. U6 is historically around 170-180% of the U3 rate, this has not really changed during the recession.
3. U6 is decreasing at approximately the same rate as U3

Conservative pundits cherry pick statistics like U6 or the gas price on inauguration day (ignoring 6 months earlier when it was at record highs) to make the economy look worse than it is. They know their followers are too lazy to actually do their own research.
2012-10-09 9:32 pm
obumma and his cohorts are typical 21st century liberals who cannot see beyond their own bank accounts. The so-called 99% are more welfare bums, illegals, and flunking-out college types than unemployed/displaced-workers.
The truly needy do not have the resources to get up and run out to the various OWS parties and those who are trying to keep a roof over their heads, food on the table, and the kids in school don't have the __time__ to play with them. The 1% are working to pay taxes to provide funding for the partiers.
The p-poor economy, engendered by the "libs", the over-reaching EPA, and the greedy speculators and bankers has done for the U.S.A. that was built on hard work and honesty.
參考: Updated definition: PROFLIGACY, noun: The extravagent waste of money. Examples: --Bank money invested in poor-risk subprime deadbeats who do nothing but incur further debt. --Voter's money invested in the government
2012-10-09 10:10 pm
Please note that the U.S.A.
has been in DEBT for the past 175 years.
The problem is in the system. END THE FED!

The founders of this great nation warned us about the
Central Bank, and now we have a very powerful central bank.

is it any wonder that the "economy" is in trouble.

2012-10-09 9:25 pm
First of all I think people in general need to realize that politicians have a very limited effect on the economy. The economy is affected by a lot more than the american president and giving him credit or blame for the economy is ridiculous. Global factors such as the rate of economic growth on a global scale is much more important. The numbers you are seeing today would probably be the same regardless if Obama, McCain, Romney or Clinton was the president.

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