Biology osmoregulation (F.6)

2012-10-09 4:45 am
1. Explain why the urine output of a person increase if he drink some isometric
drink.(3 marks)

2. State and explain what will happen to the urine output and osmolarity if a person
drink some hypertonic drink. (5 marks)

(What will happen to ADH secretion and Aldosterone secretion?)

Thank you!!!

回答 (1)

2012-10-18 4:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Explain why the urine output of a person increase if he drink some isometric
drink.(3 marks)

2012-10-09 09:31:16 補充:
2. State and explain what will happen to the urine output and osmolarity if a person
drink some hypertonic drink. (5 marks)

(What will happen to ADH secretion
and Aldosterone secretion?)

2012-10-18 08:10:02 補充:
1. Explain why the urine output of a person increase if he drink some isometric
drink.(3 marks)

2. State and explain what will happen to the urine output and osmolarity if a person
drink some hypertonic drink. (5 marks)

(What will happen to ADH secretion
and Aldosterone secretion?)

參考: 本人(教生物的)

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 11:35:55
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