positive & negative adjective

2012-10-09 1:07 am
請問點樣分辨adjective 是positive or negative?

回答 (1)

2012-10-09 4:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
主要是參考字典, 不要自己猜測, 好字典會解釋清楚,看字典上例子,句子語氣
好字典有時清楚地列出 approving 或 disapproving, 例如 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

Naive 可以正面, 可以負面, 視句子內容和語氣

I have never met such a lovely and naive girl. She looks like an angel. I don’t know she is your daughter until now. (naive 正面)

You are a university student. How dare you ask me such a naive question! (naive 負面)

frugal (節儉的) adj. ~ approving
mean, stingy (吝嗇的) adj. ~ disapproving

proud (自豪的) adj. ~ approving
Your achievements are something to be proud of.

Proud (驕傲的) adj. ~ disapproving
He is a proud man who would not admit his mistake.

arrogant, vain, conceited, big-headed, pompous, smug ~ 全部負面
參考: Oxford English Dictionary

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