
2012-10-08 6:05 am

回答 (2)

2012-10-08 6:23 am
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The festival commemorates a 14th Century uprising against the Mongols. In a cunning plan, the rebels wrote the call to revolt on pieces of paper and embedded them in cakes that they smuggled to compatriots.

If you want longer,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid-Autumn_Festival.
2012-10-08 7:08 am
Ancient rites of sacrifice to the Moon early in China, according to the rites of record, the Zhou dynasty "autumn night from the cold", "Equinox sunset Moon (worship)" activities by mid-August, is the occasion of the autumn grain crops harvested, in order to pay tribute to the gods worshipped by holding a series of ceremonies and celebrations, called "autumn." Autumn season, the temperature is cool not cold, it is often sunny and pleasant, month long transit, it is the best season to watch the moon. Therefore, later offering months of composition is gradually replaced by a full moon, sacrifice color fade away, and this festival has inherited and is given new meaning.
In the evolution of the Mid-Autumn Festival, etiquette and many of the old myths and legends and other factors work together in traditional Chinese culture, resulting in a rich and important festivals. This is one of the most famous series of myth around the Moon, such as the goddess of the Moon, Wu Gang on the GUI, Emperor Ming-day Moon, they Moon hangs colorful neon-like aura of mysterious and beautiful, romantic. Tang dynasty custom of mooncake drink together in the party has made it quite popular. From the numerous descriptions handed down in mid-autumn poetry, you can see the mythology goddess of the Moon and the Moon at the time associated with the full moon. The early years of the Tang dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become a fixed holiday. Then, however, seems to be to the full moon and the Mid-Autumn Festival month, has not been widely popular in the civil.


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