
2012-10-07 11:06 pm
我持有美國綠卡,剛在香港結婚,請問如何在港替我老公申請綠卡?請問能個別到美國領事館申請?需填什麼申請表? 還是一定要經律師申請?

回答 (3)

2012-10-08 3:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. You will have to file I-130 with USCIS.

In theory, there is nothing you need to or can do in Hong Kong.

2. No.

3. I-130.

4. If you feel comfortable, the process is quite easy (but time-consuming).

Keep in mind:

a. Spouse of LPR (Lawful Permanent Resident) is subject to annual quota control. Currently, it has a 2-year waiting period.

b. Since you are a LPR, your spouse's eligibility depends on if you can maintain your status. So it is important that you have to comply with your requirement as a LPR (like not leaving the U.S. for more than 6 months without a re-entry permit). Also you must prepare to show your tier to the U.S. if you will not be present in the U.S.
2012-10-08 1:25 am


由2011年8月15日起,美國公民及移民服務局 (USCIS) 會集中I-130親屬表格申請。在這情况下,原申請人居住在沒有USCIS辦事處的國家,例如香港和澳門,一定要將I-130表格遞交到美國公民及移民服務局芝加哥密碼箱部(USCIS Chicago Lockbox facility)。詳情參閱美國公民及移民服務局新聞(英文)。

注意: 在2011年8月15日前,居住在香港和澳門的原申請人,可以在駐港美國總領事館為直系親屬例如配偶和∕或子女遞交I-130表格; 但是,現在若欠缺緊急原因,是不再允許遞交I-130申請表格到駐港美國總領事館。
2012-10-07 11:20 pm
申請美國綠卡(結婚)問題 ??

想在港替我老公申請綠卡, 溫馨提示 :
印刷強國嘅綠卡住架 !只係攞暫時居留身份證明,
點知妳係咪假結婚架 !

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