1min talk about 今次海難

2012-10-07 10:41 pm
1min talk T^T
Reflection about this sea disaster

回答 (2)

2012-10-08 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
I fell extramely sorry as the time I heard the sea disaster of the Lan Tao Island.
ordinary,it was quite a happy exprience that a few pairs of family warmly enclose
together and was celebrate about the 15 th Anniversary of Hong Kong regress
to China , also excited for the fire work near the Victoria habour.
However,the sea disaster cause them never get a chance again to enjoin in it.
Detaching the family with earth and sky,I can't sleep at night.
Although Hong Kong had told as 'cool city' , the reflect of us show against.
I asked myself at the night that if I were them when the accident,what will I need?
I will not resume of time but to catch every moment I have.

2012-10-07 16:25:44 補充:
sorry but try to shorten the process of the disaster
and add more feeling and what you have learn in it
參考: myself
2012-10-07 10:55 pm
about this sea disaster,i am so sad when i heard this.it is becaues this sea disaster made many people died.
after this sea disaster,i learn people life is not easy to have. so i will to cherish my life.
參考: me

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