Should I apologize to my grandmother?

2012-10-06 7:58 pm
Last night, my brother's girlfriend came over and I had just met her. My grandmother wanted me to take a picture of her but I said I it would be a little weird to ask a perfect stranger for a picture and I wasn't comfortable with doing that. Now my grandmother mad and now she is not talking to me. But the stupidest things make her mad anyways. Should I just apologize to her?

回答 (9)

2012-10-06 8:29 pm
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This is hard I know,But your in the right this time.We are taught from children to respect our grandparents and thier wishies.But grandmas are humans like us and somtimes they lack judgment in thier decisions just like anyone else.Now if I was you I would eathier let this fly over and give it a few days shell get over it.Or I would go to her and say"I respect you grandma and am willing to do whatever you say but when I feel like its unreasonable or dont feel confortable doing what you ask me to do exspecielly when it involves somone else I respect you but will not put myself in an unconfortable posion"Say this to her and shell respect you with a mutual respect that should already be in place in the first place.Grandparents somtimes get it wrong thier only human
參考: Mother of 11 wife of one
2012-10-06 8:04 pm
Probably! she's your grandma! Old people are kinda weird in the head (if their really old) but you should have just said to the girl that your grandmother wants a picture and not have been so stubborn. its not really the end of the world but at least apologize for makeing her upset.
2012-10-06 8:03 pm
lol. yes.
2017-02-23 10:53 pm
whats up yeah your grandmother could desire to apologise on your mom and you sense unhappy and undesirable whilst your loved ones starts to fall out and that is evend had happened to my mum's portion of the family contributors and that i did not like it
2012-10-06 10:07 pm
I don't see any good reason why you couldn't have taken the dang picture, it probably meant more to her than you think.
2012-10-06 9:50 pm
She needs to apologize to you for being upset that you made your own choice instead of OBEYING her. She probably believes that any damned thing she asks of others has to be honored and met just because she's the grandmother (boss).
Don't apologize UNLESS you actually did something wrong or offensive. Her age and standing (grandmother) does not give her the right to expect strict OBEDIENCE from lower family members to her every whim. She's wrong here - not you!
be a better parent when it's your turn.
參考: Misplaced authority
2012-10-06 8:11 pm
An apology is very rarely a bad idea. you dont have to say that you're wrong when you're not, but it never hurts to swallow your pride and apologize for hurting someone's feelings
2012-10-06 8:04 pm
Just apologize so she stops being mad...
Grandmas always get mad at the littlest things but after an apology they're cool
2012-10-06 8:02 pm
A sign that you should join the marines ... have you ever considered to be one of the few the proud the marines?

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