
2012-10-06 8:20 am
我今個月15日就要exam啦....個exam 題目係Of mice and Men
我依家係英國讀書...今年要GCSE.... 請求高手相助 ><''

回答 (2)

2012-10-06 9:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫= ]

1) 有冇人知點樣溫書的好方法?

>> 我記得我考gcse 果時都係考of mice and man, 都係一d essay type 既問題, 果時我記得我會去睇佢既video, 令到我對呢個故事有一個更深刻既印象. 之後再搵past paper 做, 知道佢會問乜, 同時, 佢係會俾本新既of mice and man 拎入去, 你做得多問題就會知應該要quote 邊一句, 咁記住邊一頁果度, 咁你入到唔駛係咁搵都搵唔到.

>> eng lit 都係要靠多睇同做多背. 如果就咁只係諗住有本書係手既話, 入去係唔會做得好.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]
2012-10-06 9:28 am

pages content要transform成1 page notes, notes只要keywords/catchwords, key concept definition, key arguments, 多用mind map和charts去summarize, 多用examples去enrich memory

理科: just spend time revising textbook is useless, basically, you should spend more than half of your revision time on practicing mock paper and drilling exercises, the purpose is to increase your exposure to different question types and also enhance your reaction time, that's the time you need to process typical questions, mental efforts should only be spent on challenging questions basically(sorry for typing english here)

hope the above is helpful!
you can check out this website for useful study tips and advice,it's started by hong kong students:
參考: myself as a HKU student with good results in CE and AL, also fds studying abroad

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