How do I get my parents to give me my check?

2012-10-06 12:09 am
I get Social Security. I don't like the fact that you have to have a beneficiary because sometimes you don't ever see your money. In this case I don't see my money. My dad is my beneficiary and he won't give me the difference minus the rent. I am getting really pissed off. He did this same crap last month too. I don't want to turn them in for theft but my patience with this non sence is really pushing me to the edge. My bank account is overdrawn, and I have other bills to pay and something else I wanted to buy this month and them not giving me my money is really angering the hell out of me. I told my dad I won't ask him for it. Do you have any suggestions on how I should approach them?

Why I'm living at home and how I'm getting SSI is really no one's business but my own and it is incredibly rude to ask those questions. My parents are just as bad at managing money as I am. They were just the only ones I had left to manage my money so some of these comments are downright outrageous. I am looking for a job too.


Why I'm living at home and how I'm getting SSI is really no one's business but my own and it is incredibly rude to ask those questions. My parents are just as bad at managing money as I am. They were just the only ones I had left to manage my money so some of these comments are downright outrageous. I am looking for a job too.


Sorry didn't mean to post that twice.

回答 (6)

2012-10-06 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can go to the Social Security office and have your parents removed as the representative payee. I get Social Security myself and I manage my own finances. My son receives SSI and while I do use his check to cover regular expenses, I do give him $150 a month on a debit card to teach him how to manage his money so he can take over one day.

It sounds like your parents want the money and that is why you live there with them. I say this because it is very easy to make yourself a representative payee for the benefits of another. Do this: call the Social Security Administration and simply set up direct deposit into your own account and remove your parents as payees. The only way you wouldn't be able to terminate the payees on your record is if a court has found you mentally incompetent and issued a court order for a payee. Your parents also have to account under oath for how the money was spent.
參考: Been there, done that myself. It's totally up to you if you want to manage your own benefits or appoint a payee to act on your behalf.
2012-10-06 12:54 am
You are obviously bad at managing your money. Dad knows this, that's why he isn't giving you any. Also, if you are under age 18, it's perfectly legal for him to keep the money to pay to keep a roof over your head, medical expense, food, school expense, telephone, cable, everything that you take for granted every day - that all has to be paid for.

Stop whining, wait until you are old enough to get a job, move out and support yourself.

Under what circumstances are you receiving social security - how did that happen?
2012-10-06 12:14 am
You have no choice. You can't manage your own finances (as proven by your overdrawn account) and the government knows it.
2012-10-06 12:12 am
You can't. Social Security has deemed you incompetent to make financial decisions.
Suggest you get a job
2016-05-22 6:33 pm
Well, this kid has every right to ask such an important, and very relevant, question. This is Yahoo Answers, ya'll. This is not the "Judgement Passing Yahoo Squad." I know that my 16yr old, who receives a disability death benefit [his father died --A YEAR AGO TODAY-- awaiting a kidney transplant, that never came] would absolutely LOVE to know the answer to this question, as well. So yeah, better stop with the ignorant nosy a** judgemental questions, and just give the kid a legitimate ANSWER--if you have one.
2012-10-06 12:24 am
I don't understand. Are you underage or an adult? If adult, why are you still
living at home and why does your dad get YOUR money.

Can't you work and earn your own money. ?

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