Is albumin replacement therapy contraindicated to treating clients with cirrhosis?

2012-10-05 9:51 am
As above, I wonder if it is wrong to treat cirrhosis patient with albumin replacement. I saw it in a nursing lab book. I wonder why

回答 (4)

2012-10-05 1:11 pm
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I would recommend reading a different book. If the cirrhosis has got to the stage that the lack of albumin has resulted in tissue oedema then replacing with colloid is effective therapy. That is not to say that only albumen should be used as a colloid replacement, as synthetic colloids can also be used in part. However, albumen is not just a colloid, it also is a source of coagulation factors not present in synthetic colloids; coagulation disorders may accompany cirrhosis.
2012-10-05 3:04 pm
First, you've stepped into one of those pet peeves of every doctor on this site (and not a few nurses): you sell stuff to clients, you treat patients. Nursing schools seem insistent on misleading their victims/students on this point, and it's a darned shame.
But to get to the point, albumin is sometimes quite useful; it's just that it isn't a monkey-see-monkey-do proposition. Your text is likely just trying to point out that hypoalbuminemia in and of itself isn't an adequate indication for usage, often causing more trouble than it treats. When to use albumin in cirrhotic patients is one of the more difficult judgments in medicine.
2016-12-12 4:44 am
Albumin Replacement Therapy
2016-07-29 5:15 pm
The anemia might be do to something instead of iron deficiency - there are lots of reasons of anemia. Before opening a remedy for anemia, it can be essential to discover what's inflicting it. Iron deficiency, for illustration, if it is that, isn't even adequate of an answer. You need to discover WHY the character is iron deficient. Except it is apparent- major blood loss that is noticeable, it may be whatever like a tumor within the colon or an ulcer. Different varieties of anemia corresponding to that from B12 deficiency, which explanations a neurological condition as well referred to as "combined techniques sickness", is not going to respond to iron. That variety of anemia desires B12 - both pictures or giant doses by way of mouth will work in some circumstances. On your challenge above, the customer might have B12 deficiency or could have one other challenge unrelated to the anemia which is inflicting the numbness and tingling such as diabetes. So in your scenario possible answers would be both b or c. As far as i know nutrition C does not purpose neuropathy. There are plenty of causes of anemia - iron deficiency and B12 deficiency are just two of the many.

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