Fox News airing live suicide unethical?

2012-10-04 5:28 pm
We were having a group debate in my Mass Media Law class over the airing of a live suicide on Fox News. Following an intense car chase, the suspect exited the car and pulled a gun to shoot himself. Apparently Fox New's five second delay was not enough time to pull the video and it was aired all over national television.
One girl in class believes that the actual car chase was the unethical part because it shouldn't have been shown on television to begin with, but doesn't believe the suicide was the unethical part at all.
What are your opinions?

回答 (7)

2012-10-04 5:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
FNC had no reasonable expectation that the incident would end in a suicide. Therefore the airing of it doesn't enter the realm of ethics at all. Now if they kept replaying the incident, that would be a different story. It's the same situation as Jack Ruby shooting Oswald. No one saw that coming, either.

What would be unethical about airing a car chase? It's out in public, people could see it on their own without FNC. Chases are televised in CA all the time. FNC just picked up the feed from the local station.
參考: Broadcast Engineer for 30+ years
2012-10-04 5:30 pm
i am in CA they show car chases in LA all the time on TV
its like a train wreck no one wants to see one happen but everyone like to see one when it does
2016-12-27 1:30 am
You the two seem to have a reading comprehension concern or you probably did no longer even difficulty to examine the object which you linked: "Fox information anchor Shepard Smith advised visitors minutes later that the video replaced into meant to be on a postpone so it must be decrease off from airing if needed. "we actually twisted up, and we are all very sorry," Smith suggested."
2012-10-04 5:44 pm
The car chase was not the unethical part. Them airing the suicide live was unethical, and not to mention just barbarism for the sake of grabbing ratings.
2012-10-04 5:30 pm
Your statement can easily be shortened: Fox news unethical?
2012-10-04 5:29 pm
I find it amusing that the thing people want to complain about is the one time Fox News accidently aired something true.
2012-10-04 5:31 pm
Doesn't say much for Fox News does it? It's just disturbing what they do to TRY to get their ratings up and not even give one thought to the feelings of this persons family and friends.

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