I love my teacher nd wanna get f***d by him?

2012-10-04 5:04 pm
I am 17 yr old student
i love my physics prof very much.
he is 56 good looking strong
i always dreaming about his hard penis while he lectures
he is married wife 2 sons and grandsons
how can i get him

回答 (16)

2012-10-08 1:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Why only physics lecturer?Sleep with all the lectures.Stay in the staff room fully naked.One after one all they will f**k you.You are coming to college only to be f***d.
2012-10-05 12:05 am
You're either a troll, or seriously disturbed. Which is it?
2012-10-05 12:07 am
so you love him yet would be willing to completely ruin his life all so you can sleep with him?? am i missing something here?? buy yourself a dildo to keep your hormones in check and find a man that isnt married with kids.
2012-10-05 9:03 pm
Let these fantasies remain fantasies only and don't try to implement them. Don't ruin your life with such thoughts.
2012-10-05 2:25 pm
Add me [email protected]
Ill give u tips...
2012-10-05 2:04 am
Come to my house,mine one is better than your teacher.......:P
參考: My jeans
2012-10-05 12:19 am
When you find him alone , just undress and show your vagina to him. You are 17. He will not be able to resist himself and f.u.c.k. you. At least I would have done the same. I got hard on while answering you.can chat [email protected]
2012-10-05 12:10 am
Stop being a troll but if you do want to sleep with your old teacher than I suppose there is nothing legally to stop you. Extremely unlikely he will entertain it though because you sound absolutely horrid!
2012-10-05 12:09 am
Is it that hard?

Seduce him with your sexual prowess ;)

But I will not recomment doing so, since that might destroy his family and if you love him that much, just mastubate
2012-10-05 12:07 am
This sounds to good to be true, wear a school girl outfit though.

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