三個節約能源的方法 eng

2012-10-05 3:15 am
三個節約能源的方法 eng

回答 (3)

2012-10-06 7:35 am
1. Switch off all electrical appliances before leaving and when they are not used.
2. Use more public transports rather than private cars.
3. Use electrical appliances with Grade 1 energy label.
2012-10-05 3:42 am


2012-10-05 3:31 am
Save energy:
Turn off the light when you do not use.

Use eleterical fan other then use air-conditioner.

Remember to close the window when you are using the air-conditioner.

Set air-conditioning temperature at 25.5oC.

Put more clothes in the washing machine .
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:01:22
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