
2012-10-04 6:03 pm
我女兒今年升F。6 準備考文憑試,她修商科,主要讀BAFS, Econ, IS, LS, 她不知道在大學可以讀甚麽科?現在她很烦脑!!唯有選有關於商科的科目,所以想修BBS+Law,BBS+Finance, BBS+ Accounting,Accounting, marketing etc。。。想問知道這些科的發展舆前途嗎?

1. 請問當Auditor跟Accountant的前途和收入怎様?
2. 女士比較適合當Auditor or Accountant?
3. 是否要常常開OT?
4. 逢月尾都是十分繁忙?
5. 没有考到核數師or 會計師之前的人工?有專業資格後的人工多少和工作機會?
6. 容易考到專業資格嗎?要多久时間?
7. 容易考進BIG4 工作嗎?
8. 如果文憑試考的不好,是否讀理工大學副學士的Accounting比較容易進大學?如果有機會讀大學,是否選理工大學的Accounting or 科技大學的Accounting 比較好?
9. 純Accounting 跟 BBS+Accounting 有甚麽分别?
10. 讀Accounting需要數學科很叻嗎?

Mandy Tsang

回答 (2)

2012-10-05 1:35 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. 在未正式成為專業會計師時,負責核數工作的會計文員工作量較其他處稅務或一般入數工作的會計文員多,但一般擁有核數範疇的工作經驗在成為專業會計師後會比只擁有其他範疇工作經驗的會計師獲得更好的待遇。

2. 沒有男女之分

3. 會計行業是經常超時工作的行業

4. --

5. 未成為專業會計師前的會計文員薪酬與普通文職相約,但工作量有機會比普通文職更高;擁有專業資格後,人工會視乎工作經驗而提昇至較高水平。

6. 成為會計師的考核容易與否因人而異,但會計師是法定的專業人士,不能存可以蒙混過關的心態。


a. 認可會計學學士-->應考QP考試(共5份試卷)->3年認可的會計工作經驗-->成為專業會計師

b. 認可會計學副學士/高級文憑-->認可會計學學士 (然後如上)

c. 認可會計學副學士/高級文憑(完成HKIAAT 8份試卷考核,一般認可SUB DEGREE課程會豁免其中7份)-->應考PBE考試(4份試卷)-->應考QP考試(共5份試卷) (然後如上)


7. 因人而異

8. 修讀各大學的專業進修學院的副學士都"較"容易升讀大學,但會計這種科目仍然要求很高的成績;理工大學的會計學在會計行業中是比較著名的。

9. 不清楚

10. Accounting主要涉及數學是一般加減乘除,一般份數及百份比,因此無需特別好的數學能力。

2012-10-05 5:44 pm
1. (Both) Definitely a boring job. However, if you have professional qualification, there will no worry about income.

2. Yes - naturally, female tend to focus on details.

3. No - profession in accounting tends to have a stable work hour.

4. It is possible.

5. Without the qualification, no difference with other graduates. Without qualification, it depends on the firm. But it tends to at least double from without the qualification.

6. No - it takes years (when experience is also a portion of requirements)

7. No - big 4 throws people out (by aptitude test) even before reading CVs.

8. No comment - the reason is in this case, you will have to make sure that you can find a way that lead you for the professional qualification (not the Bachelor, even Bachelor is one of the requirements).

9. The major difference is the focus. BBA (Accounting) is a BBA concentrating in Accounting. You will still learn other necessary knowledge (like Management, Business Law).

Accounting only means it will focus on accounting only.

So in worst case situation, a BBA (Accounting) graduate may be still able to find a job in a bank.

10. Sensitive to numbers will help.

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