Dachshund had surgery Saturday, has had no bowel movement since Monday?

2012-10-03 7:17 pm
I've got a 5 year old 12 pound Dachshund, she had surgery Saturday to get a good bit of stitches after getting mauled by another dog :(

She is doing very well and healing up, but she has not has a bowel movement since Monday. She is usually regular usually going twice daily, atleast once. Very rarely has she been constipated, and it usually passes on its own.

She had a large BM monday after I brought her home from being at the vet over the weekend, and she is eating her normal amount of food and drinking a good bit of water, but she is not going at all. I don't even see her straining trying to even attempt to go like she normally will when constipated. I totally forgot to ask the vet this morning about it.

I bought her wet dog food, and she ate some last night, but she has been going and eating her dry kibble. Should I try and switch her to soft food only until she has a BM? Is there something I can give her? Everything I see is recommended for dogs that are 60+ pounds, and I don't want to give her too much.

She is taking Clavamox 125mg twice daily for one week that she started on Monday, and is also taking 1/4 of a tab of tramadol 50mg twice a day for pain.

The past couple of days she has been doing ok but she is starting to look uncomfortable, the pain medicine was taking care of any pain from her injuries but now I think she may be feeling unwell from not being able to have a BM (I have IBS with constipation, and it'll make me really sick if I can't go).

Does anyone have a successful treatment for constipation in small dogs?

Holy crap guys, she's constipated. Her stitches aren't ripped open or infected, she's constipated. I will check with the vet tomorrow to make sure she is not going overboard. I haven't seen her have a BM but tuesday morning while I was feeling ill she went out of my sight for a few minutes and then came back and possibly had a BM then, but I will call them ASAP and see if she can get some extra fiber or what not to help her go. She has no dietary restrictions or underlying health issues, so I'm sure there is a way to help her be able to go if she ends up needing help to go. There's stuff all over the internet about giving fiber and what not to larger dogs, I just wanted to see if someone had experience with constipated small dogs. She's never been constipated like this before, so I have no clue.

回答 (3)

2012-10-03 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is very usual that they don't for several days after a GA as it slows down the whole system, however, I am used to big dogs and although it really isn't unusual for them to go several days after an operation I don't know about small dogs.

I know I have got to the point before where I think I am going to need to do something about it and then they do go naturally after all.

I take in post ops for rescue so have had quite a few that have taken several days before going.
2012-10-03 7:21 pm
You need to phone your vet and talk to them. Her constipation is likely a result of the meds she's on, so you shouldn't give her anything, not even canned pumpkin, without vet's ok. They won't charge you for a phone call and they will tell you how to safely help her.
2012-10-03 7:41 pm
This is a question you need to talk to your vet about, not strangers ont he internet.

Saying that, it is not unusual that when a dog (or human) have surgery, the drugs used during surgery and the anesthesia, can cause some constipation.
2012-10-03 10:52 pm

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