balance sheet平吾到,希望有人試做

2012-10-04 7:06 am
H. Cheung commenced business as a butcher on 1 October 20X6 with a capital in cash of $5000. Her transactions during October 20X6, which were all in cash, were as follows:

1 Oct Rent of shop: $200
2 Oct Purchases of goods: $970
4 Oct Bought fixtures and fittings: $1250
6 Oct Borrowed $3500 from S.Lui
9 Oct Purchased delivery van: $2650
12 Oct Sold goods for $1810
15 Oct Paid wages of $150
18 Oct Purchases: $630
19 Oct Drawings: $350
21 Oct Petrol for van: $25
22 Oct Printed costs: $65
24 Oct Sales: $1320
25 Oct Repairs to van; $45
27 Oct Wages: $250
28 Oct Purchased stationary costing: $35
30 Oct Rates on shop: $400
31 Oct Drawings: $175
我在balance sheet中平吾到,我做到的net profit 係$360,希望無錯

回答 (4)

2012-10-04 11:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, you should find the the balance of cash for the month end of 1 October 20X6 . Cash balance = $5000 Capital + $3500 Loan from S. Lui)+ $1320 Sales - ($970+$630) Purchase – $1250 Fixture and fitting –$ 2650 Delivery van – $1810 Cost of good sold – ($150+$250)Wage - ($350+$175)Drawing - $25 Petrol - $ 65 Print - $450 Repair van – $35 Stationary – $400 Rent = $610 H. Cheung Commercial Business Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the month end of 1 Oct 20X6.Sales $1320Less: Cost of good sold $1810 ($490)Less: Purchase $1600Gross loss ($2090) Less: Wage$400 Petrol$25 Print $65 Repair van$450 Stationery $35 Rent $400Net Loss ($3465) Balance Sheet for the month end of 1 Oct 20X6.Fixed AssetsFixture and fitting $1250Delivery van $2650$3900Current AssetsCash $610
Capital $5000Less: Net loss ($3465) $1535Less: Drawings($525) $1010
Short Term LoanLoan from S. Lui $3500 $4510

參考: 自己知識+意見
2012-10-09 11:06 pm
CrLoan from- S. Lui 3,500
CrCapital 5,000
DrCash 5,215
DrDrawing 525
DrF & F 1,250
DrVan 2,650
DrPentrol 25
DrPrinted 65
DrPurchase 970
DrRates 400
DrRent 200
DrRepair 45
CrSales 3,130
DrStationery 35
DrWages 250
---------- ----------
11,630 11,630

Profit & Loss
Gross Profit2,160
Pentrol 25
Printed 65
Rates 400
Rent 200
Repair 45
Stationery 35
Wages 250 1,020
Net Profit1,140

Asset & Liabilites
F & F 1,250
Van 2,650
C.A. Cash5,215
C.L. S Lui(3,500)

Financed by
Less : Drawing(525)
Add : Net Profit1,140

2012-10-09 17:04:41 補充:
Cash 4,435 ; Purchase 1,600 ;Wages 400

F & F 1250
Van 2650
Cash 4435
Loan form S Lui (3,500)


Financed by
Capital 5000
Drawing (525)
Net Profit 360
參考: , 唔好意思, 因打錯字, 故shorting 金額有出入
2012-10-06 4:18 pm
其实你可以试用最简单的Single Entry 或者 Trial Balance 来做这个帐。
用Single Entry 来做的话; 你的Cash总共有 11,630, 你的支出是 7,195.
那你的 Gross Profit 是4,435. 减去你的Debt 3,500, 剩 935.00, 但这不算是
Net Profit, 因为你的成本是 5,000,所以你还是亏 4,065. 假如你想知道
你做的 Balance Sheet有没有做错, 你把你做的Balance Sheet登出来让我们
2012-10-04 9:59 pm
DrCrRent200.00 Purchases970.00 Furniture and Fixtures 1,250.00 Loan from S Lui 3,500.00 Delivery Van 2,650.00 Sales 1,810.00 Wages150.00 Purchases630.00 Drawings350.00 Petrol 25.00 Printed Cost 65.00 Sales 1,320.00 Repairs 45.00 Wages250.00 Statiuonery 35.00 Rates400.00 Drawings175.00 Capital 5,000.00 Cash 4,435.00 11,630.00 11,630.00

收錄日期: 2021-04-17 02:18:14
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