
2012-10-04 5:08 am

回答 (9)

2012-10-04 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
My hobby is creating animated movies as they can express my thoughts to others. It may be tough, but when everyone gained happiness after watching them, they actually gave me great motivation.

註: '雖然' 之後不能用 '但'
2012-10-13 8:49 am
007 did a great job; by gaining happiness=motivation.It's formally best for the job declared..Others are good at homework,which when properly voted,will not mean officially marked up for him, calculated for him.
2012-10-05 5:48 am
最好唔好用簡寫,所以個個都有文法錯,DO ANIMATION係錯.007寫得比較正式同得體,搵工嘅話佢最好,但交功課就其他人都好,但寫得差唔多.我個人意見,就算係投咗佢票,都唔係舞弊,何況唔係打YAHOO工,唔知佢咩名,唔知佢邊個.係DEDICATE TO, 第1個THE要刪,PROGRAMMES,'ILL→WILL
2012-10-04 3:42 pm
It is my desire to dedicate on the animate programme, so as to present it for viewing; although it is a hard job and yet the viewers certainly will agree and feel enjoyable, so that'll let me have the strength to move forward.
2012-10-04 5:43 am
唔要用google 翻譯 :
My hobby is making animation because I can show my feelings to others, although it's very hard, when the person who see my animation with happiness, it can encourage me very much.

Hope I can help you~
參考: myself = =b
2012-10-04 5:26 am
My interest is to do animation, because it let me express my ideas to the other, athough it will be very hard, but when the others have joyful feeling,it give me a great impetus.
(I suggest not to add 'is able to' so I've cancel it)

2012-10-03 21:27:12 補充:
2012-10-04 5:25 am
My hobby is doing animations because i can expess what i can think to the others.Although I feel hard in the process, it gives me strength to do well as everyone enjoy it so much.
參考: 自己文字
2012-10-04 5:18 am
My interest is to do animation, because I can express their ideas on posters,
though will be very hard, but when i see the people who watch my animation
have the joy of feeling, is able to give me a great impetus.

2012-10-03 21:19:18 補充:
參考: me me me~~~, google translate 改動
2012-10-04 5:14 am
My interest is to do animation, because they can express their ideas, though will be very hard, but when seen have the joy of feeling, is able to give me a great impetus

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