uk accounting and finance unis

2012-10-03 10:52 am
which univercity in UK is famous at A&F and has a good reputation in HK?

7. Surrey
8. Loughborough
10. Nottingham

I need to apply UCAS in the comming month and still struggling with these unis.
can anyone help please??
thank you so much!

PS. i only got aab in A-level

回答 (1)

2012-10-03 2:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) can anyone help please??

>> 如果你係aab 既話, 我assume 你predicted grades 都係aab, 因為你可以揀5間, 我會排3間top, 1間中, 1間中下 (in case 你一個offer 都冇), 而果3間top 就係係你個list 度搵, 而唔係aim 緊lse/oxbridge 等等.

>> 如果你就咁睇ranking 既話, 當然你會見到loughborough, leeds, lancaster個ranking 都係唔錯, 但係overall ranking 黎講, 佢地唔係高, 而佢地係hk既名氣亦唔係話咁高 (因為講真, 英國大學你都知道有好多間, 就好似usa 咁, 你usa 既大學又識幾多間呢? 所以番到hk, 可能真係唔係間間公司都會有聽過的).

>> 所以如果我係你, 我會揀一d 係hk 比較有名, overall ranking 唔太錯, 個graduate prospect 係ok 既大學 (係呢個case, 我會ignore individual ranking), 所以我會揀 manchester, cardiff, nottingham, southampton同loughborough, 因為呢一d大學都係係比較有名少少, 同時佢個ranking 亦唔太差, 亦有唔少hk人, 照應比較方便.

>> 而到時當你apply 完, 你再睇下你收到幾多間offer, 再揀firm 同insurance 都未遲, 因為而家都未有offer 住. 唔駛咁快揀死2間.

>> 你以上既果個list, 如果你係個ranking table, 唔係太多間係top 10入面, 所以如果你要做到係英國出名, 又要係hk 有名既話係難一d 既, 只可以compromise 既.

>> 而你出黎做野, 唔只要你間學校係有公司聽過, 仲要有好既成績先可以既, 因為就算你係oxford 出黎, 但你只係pass 畢業既話, 搵工都係難的.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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