Maths Line&Circle

2012-10-02 6:39 pm
1.Consider the circle C1:2x²+2y²-8x+4y-1=0.
(a)Find the centre of C1.
(b)Find the equation of another circle C2 which has the same centre as C1 and touches the x-axis.

2.Circle C passes through P(8,4).It touches the x-axis and the y-axis at points A and B respectively.
(a)Find two sets of coordinates of A and B.
(b)Find two possible equations of circle C.
(c)Which equation in(b) represents a circle such that AP⊥AB?Hence,find the diameter of that circle.

3.ΔPQR is a right-angled triangle such that PR is perpendicular to QR.The coordinates of P,Q,and R are (2,4),(4,-6)and(a,0)respectively,where a is a constant.
(a)Express the slopes of PR and QR in terms of a.
(b)Find the values of a.
(c)Find the equation of a circle C passing through the vertices of ΔPQR.
(d) Show that the origin lies inside the circle C.

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2012-10-03 3:44 am
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C1: x² + y² - 4x + 2y - (1/2) = 0
Centre of C1 = (4/2, -2/2) = (2, -1)

Centre of C2 = (2,-1)

Since C2 touches the x-axis, then radius of C2 = 1

C2 : (x - 2)² + (y + 1)² = 1²
C2 : x² + y² - 4x + 2y + 4 = 0

Let A = (a, 0), then B = (0, a) and centre of C = (a, a)

Radius of the circle :
√[(a - 8)² + (a - 4)²] = a
(a - 8)² + (a - 4)² = a²
a² - 24a + 80 = 0
(a - 4)(a - 20) = 0
a = 4 or a = 20

Hence, A(4,0) and B(0, 4) or A(20, 0) and B(0, 20)

When a = 4 :
C : (x - 4)² + (y - 4)² = 4²
C : x²+ y² - 8x - 8y + 16 = 0

When a = 20 :
C : (x - 20)² + (y - 20)² = 20²
C : x²+ y² - 40x - 40y + 400 = 0

When a = 4 :
Slope of AP = (4 - 0)/(8 - 4) = 1
Slope of AB = (0 - 4)/(4 - 0) = -1
Since the product of their slopes is -1, then AP⊥AB when a = 4

Diameter of the circle = 4 x 2 = 8

Slope of PR = (0 - 4)/(a - 2) = -4/(a - 2)
Slope of QR = (0 + 6)/(a - 4) = 6/(a - 4)

Since PR⊥QR, then the product oftheir slope is -1.
[-4/(a - 2)] x [6/(a - 4)] = -1
(a - 2)(a - 4) = 24
a² - 6a - 16 = 0
(a - 8)(a + 2) = 0
a =8 or a =-2

since P, Q and R lie on the circle and ∠PRQ = 90°,
then the PQ is the diameter.

Centre of C = ((2 + 4)/2, (4 - 6)/2)) = (3, -1)
Radius of C = √[(3 - 2)² + (-1 - 4)²] = √26

C : (x - 3)² + (y + 1)² = (√26)²
C : x²+ y² - 6x + 2y - 16 = 0

Distance between the origin and centre of C
= √[(3 - 0)² + (-1 - 0)²
= √10 < radius of the C

Hence, theorigin lies inside the circle C.
參考: micatkie

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