AFS 面試(13-14) interview+misc.

2012-10-02 6:18 am
Just received a letter from the afs,giving me the info for the selection day which it's at the 20 of October

What i would like to know is:

knowing that there would be a lot of people from all over the town,but
1)What person will be involved in the selection day?Exchange students?alumin?etc.?
I think,for me,i deliver rather natural English speech than in Chinese
2)Is it often necessary to answer in Chinese especially during the interview?

Looking through the album,some exchange students seemed to be interviewing a person.i'm wondering,
3a)Will there any current/former exchange students selected to be interviewers?( sounds interesting~)

b)If there will be,what other person will be involved?(in other words,who's sitting inside!!!)

c)What is the approximate duration for the interview?

i heard that where would be a written part,so
4)In what language we are required to use?

Finally,I would be anticipating the result at the end of the selection day,so
5a)In what means of delivery be used?through Email?letters?

and i just CANT wait for the official release of result lol
b)In how many days will the result be usually released after the selection day?

One more problem for another applicant(a friend of my)
6)Under what circumstances will afs immediately call the application unsuccessful?
He received an official letter telling him of unsuccessful case but with inconsistent data(may be sent to the wrong person),all material is returned.Including a crossed cheque,intact application form,etc.

Great thanks with 20 point bounty!

(p.s. no infringements accepted)

回答 (1)

2012-10-05 5:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)What person will be involved in theselection day?Exchange students?alumin?etc.? Well... The interviewers are former exchange students in general. Some of them have come back to HK over20 years, some of them, like me, had got back from the states just a few yearsago. 2)Is it often necessary to answer inChinese especially during the interview? Well, they actually prefer students toanswer in English as almost everyone you will be meeting doesn't knowChinese. There are a few sections in theinterview. Generally they want someone who is active andenergetic. There are some group gamesand individual interview. If you require using English to answer in theindividual interview, I am sure they are more than happy to do so. 3a)Will there any current/former exchangestudents selected to be interviewers?( sounds interesting~) Well,almost everyone in AFS were exchange students and they recruit volunteers fromthe returnees. And yes, former exchangestudents, or we call them returnees, do come back and interview perspectiveexchange students. b)If there will be,what other person willbe involved?(in other words,who's sitting inside!!!) Well, ingeneral, not much other “stakeholders” if you’d ask. Interviewees will be divided into groups, andthere will be interviewers there… someone to help in organizing activities. Parents should not be allowed to enter. So youngsters!!! c)What is the approximate duration for theinterview? Roughlyfrom 6-7 hours including one lunchhour. 10-4 maybe? 4)In what language we are required to use? Well…there are actually quite a few pieces of writings you will need. As I remember, You are required to write twopieces in English and one piece in Chinese. Don’t need to be too pessimistic in writing in Chinese, you try yourbest! But do prepare something like
參考: Myself =]

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