幫幫手看一下我的english essay please

2012-10-01 10:16 pm
Youth and Children
All children and youth deserve to have a healthy, happy childhood and a chance to be the best they can. However, There are three types of children need special help from our government ,they are included disabled children , children living in families where there is domestic , and teen mothers.
First,In those years, children with disabilities are showing interest in joining regular learning classrooms, rather than special education classes. Of course, there are many different types of disabilities, but if all disabled children become more active and interact with other children it will benefit the disabled child and his or her peers. However ,according to the research by University of Edinburgh, children with disabilities in school is the biggest reason that they move from regular school to special school. Bullying at school is a long-standing problem, and students with disabilities are more likely to be targeted than others. To avoid this , the teachers and parents should encourage disabled kids to open about the problems such as this. Bullying at school is a long-standing problem, and students with disabilities are more likely to be targeted than others.
我只post了兩個paragraph , please fix the Grammar and Content Development for 感激不盡急用的>_<

回答 (2)

2012-10-01 10:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Youth and Children
All children and youth deserve a healthy, happy childhood.
" and a chance to be the best they can"--the meaning is a bit unclear.

However, There are three types of children that need special help from our government;they include the disabled children , children living in families where there is domestic (do you mean domestic violence?) , and teen mothers.

First, children with disabilities show interest in joining regular learning classes, rather than special education classes. Of course, there are many different types of disabilities, but if all disabled children become more active and could interact with other children,it will benefit the disabled child and his or her peers. However ,according to the research carried out by the University of Edinburgh, children with disabilities in school is the biggest reason why they move from regular schools to special schools. Bullying at school is a long-standing problem, and students with disabilities are more likely to be targeted than the others. To avoid this , the teachers and parents should encourage disabled kids to open up and report such problems.
2012-10-02 6:22 am
---------Error and correction on an English Essay-------
Youth and Children.
All children and youth deserve(no need to have)
a healthy,happy childhood and a chance to (receive,not be)
the best they can. However,(t)here are three types of children (that) need special help from our government(.) They(include the)
disabled children, children living in families where there is domestic(violence),
and teen mothers.

First(in those years,no need)children (with)disablities (are) show(ing) interest in joining regular learning (classes), rather than special education classes. Of course,there are many different types of disabilities, but if all disabled children become more active and (could) interact with other children, will benefit the disabled child and his or her (healthy) peers. However, according to the research (carried out) by University of Edinburgh, children with disabilities in school is (perhaps)
the biggest reason(why) they move from regular school(s) to special school(s).

Bullying at school is a long-standing problem, and students with disabilities are more likely to be targeted than others. To avoid this, the teachers and parents should encourage disabled kids to (unfold and report) such problems.(170words)

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