
2012-10-01 9:22 pm
1. Region
2. Summit
3. Authority
4. Assemble
5. Transparent
6. Institution
7. Accountable
8. Activist
9. Regard
10. Suspicion


回答 (1)

2012-10-01 11:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Region
i) An indefinitely large section of land; a country or district.
ii) Any sphere or realm. E.G: He has followed philosophy into the region of mythology. 他從哲學而進入神話的範疇。
2. Summit
i) The top or highest point, as of a mountain.
ii) The highest degree.
iii) Highest level of government.
e.g: summit conference/ summit meeting/ summit talk高峰會議
3. Authority
i) The power or right to act or command; dominion.
EG: By whose authority did you apply the money to this purpose?你奉誰之命將該款作為此用?
ii) Personal power derived from respect or reputation; influence.
4. Assemble
i) To collect or gather together into one place or body; congregate.

2012-10-01 15:54:52 補充:
4. 解釋:
i) To collect or gather together into one place or body; congregate.
EG: Bob has assembled a large collection of foreign stamps. 鮑伯收集了許多外國郵票。
ii) To fit together, as parts of machinery.
EG: We had to assemble the parts of the bicycle. 我們必須將自行車的零件組合起來。

2012-10-01 15:55:42 補充:
5. Transparent
i) Easy to understand; evident
EG: a transparent attempt to deceive 明顯想騙人的企圖
ii) A translucent thing transmits light, but does not allow objects to be seen through it.
EG: The stained-glass windows in churches are translucent. 禮拜堂中的彩色玻璃是半透明的。

2012-10-01 15:57:20 補充:
You can go to the website below and check the English meaning of other words..

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