我已成吸血鬼, 吸邊個既血好?

2012-10-01 2:44 am
我已成吸血鬼, 吸邊個既血好?

回答 (3)

2012-10-04 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
collect your skin first,all human can ingest blood although it taste bad.
Or if you are a patient you may need to have blood also,by your blood vessel.
It is not a special condition.
And if you can't have nutrition by ingesting food that human eat,you better go
to see a doctor and realise if it is a mutation.
參考: my limitary knowledge
2012-10-02 5:21 pm

2012-10-01 7:01 pm
are you plastic?

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