Diseases from sharing drinks?

2012-09-30 1:02 am
Yesterday, my friend stole my drink without me knowing and drank out of it. The drink had a straw. I didn't know if I should drink out of it so I just left it by itself for a couple minutes. But I paid for that drink and I didn't want to waste it so I got another straw and switched out the one he used to drink out of it and threw it away. My question is: could i get a disease from sharing drinks but using a different straw??? Like herpes, or something???

回答 (2)

2012-09-30 1:25 am
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Well, I feel like Emma has the best answer but I must tell you that you could get all kinds of things mono, hepatitis, strep, and on and on. You just have to know if your friend has anything before you panic. Yeah and maybe a cold sore too.
2012-09-30 8:03 am
>"Like herpes, or something??? "

Absolutely, you should go to the emergency room immediately!

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