I have cancer, and I am not worried.?

2012-09-29 3:20 am
Today I was told I have cancer. I thought if it came to this I'd be crying, and scared. I am only 18, and my mom cried when she found out. I was sad she was crying, but to be honest it was like I was numb to the doctor telling me. It didn't scare me, it didn't make me sad. I just felt nothing, and now it's like I can't pay attention to anything. Why don't I care? I wanna feel something, but I don't.

For spree, no I am genuinely wondering why I don't care. The reason I said "cancer", and not lung cancer, or brain cancer, and be more specific is because I have one I find mildly embarrassing, and I didn't want to let everyone know since it wasn't part of my question.


I thought shock at first was my problem, but I've never felt shock before I thought it would be something more devastating at first, and then the shock, but it's almost like today never even happened maybe that's what shock is.


I thought shock at first was my problem, but I've never felt shock before I thought it would be something more devastating at first, and then the shock, but it's almost like today never even happened maybe that's what shock is.

回答 (13)

2012-09-29 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
OK Cancer is a broad term for over 200 diseases.
You should know what type of cancer you have.
If you do not, maybe you are playing with us.
Some teens enjoy playing with this site. It is not funny.
參考: MD Medical Oncologist and Hematologist - a cancer and blood specialist doctor - with twenty years experience.
2012-09-29 3:31 am
Your problem is between your ears.
You've been posting this same nonsense for months now.
2012-09-29 8:59 am
I'm in the sceptics' camp.

There are very few cancers that might affect someone your age, and none of them are 'embarrassing'.Fewer than 0.015% of people under 20 develop cancer at all.

Another bored kiddie playing around on a forum used by people who genuinely are dealing with a deadly illness and its grueling treatments
2012-09-29 12:32 pm
Many cancers are very treatable.

The "scared and crying" lasted about 5 minutes for me then changed to determination and belief that I would get better.

Everyone reacts differently
2012-09-29 9:25 am
Dillon, I agree with your reaction, it was mine also.
Twelve years ago I was diagnosed and thought to myself which road will I go on.
The chemo and radiotherapy road which keeps you on an expensive merry go round of treatment and further tests, when they admit cancer cannot be cured, or the road focusing on healing and health. That's the one I took.
I studied the topic for several months and saw most cancer sufferers were battling the disease, and the side effects of endless treatments were horrendous.
Their approach is to alleviate symptoms, not to help you find the cause.

I found it takes faith and focus and hope, in my case not the degrees on the wall or the white coat, but a faith in my own body to do what it knows best.
Countless people have taken this road, and recovered. I have never felt better after soul searching my lifestyle, diet, stress levels and relaxation needs and within six months I was cancer free.
So, please don't rush into treatment, get a second opinion, and I wish you all the best.
2012-09-29 4:08 am
The first stage for some people is denial.
2012-09-29 3:25 am
No ,you're doing the right thing, the rare thing most people aren't strong and competent enough to do. One day you are going to feel something, and it ain't going to be pretty, until that day keep strong, and after that day, keep strong.
2012-09-29 3:24 am
Maybe you are in shock. You're 18 and feel invincible but cancer affects people of all age. I truly wish you luck in your fight, believe you can win.
2012-09-29 3:23 am
You are probably in shock. Don't worry about your reaction, just have faith that things will turn out for the best. Best of luck to you! <3
2012-09-29 3:23 am
I am sorry to hear that. You are prob just going through different stages of emotion. Can you get counseling through the hospital?
2012-09-29 3:22 am
I think you do care, but right now this big news is hard to process. You are in shock, hun. It will hit you, and you'll have to be strong, but you'll be able to beat this. I wish you luck and don't worry, nothing is wrong with you, it is only shock.

Be strong and I'm so sorry to hear about this.
Good luck.
2012-09-29 5:27 am
It sounds like you do care or you wouldnt ask the question. I think your in shock still so your unable to cry, its all new to you, your mom probably cried cause she is thinking of her "baby". Have faith that everything will be okay, and it will, may God give your family peace as you go through this. Call yourself Healed in Jesus name!
參考: Jesus, My faith in God.
2012-09-29 3:27 am
the fact is that u r in shock and it's normal. Today I was thinking about being said " you have cancer" and after a while I realized that it means few, yes more time in hospitals, maybe expenses and in a way the remainder that we have to die, but how many people is going to die before the one who just knew he/she has cancer?
it's a sickness not a date of death, that only God know about it.
the only sure thing we have in this life is that we r going to die one day, no one knows the date but having cancer is for some a forced way to face that truth.
May God bless you, grant you the best quality of life and why not? health. Live your life plenty .

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