Landlord put up political sign without my consent!!!!??? HELP!!?

2012-09-28 11:00 pm
Is it fair that my landlord put up the worst political canidate sign (wont say who dont want to cause and argument) in my yard without my consent? I live in iowa I dont know if there is some sort of law? I dont think its fair for him to bring us into his political mess. We support the opposing canidate. Will it be alright if they are "misplaced" or will i get in some trouble? help me please i am very bothered by this!!! thanks!

回答 (10)

2012-09-28 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
what are the terms of your lease - technically, it is his property

yes you could get in trouble for taking a political sign - in many jurisdicitions it is a low class felony
2012-09-29 11:22 am's not your property, it's his, so he can do anything he wants with it. You have no rights as far as political signs.
2012-09-29 7:43 am
It is his property. He can do with it as he pleases.
2012-09-29 6:11 am
If he put the sign outside your apartment that is his property and he is legally allowed to do that. You are also allowed to post a sign inside your apartment in the window. But better check your state laws. You can be sued for destroying his property if he finds out. There are many things in life one must tolerate and sometimes you cannot take action just because you want to.
2012-09-29 6:10 am
If you move or destroy the sign you could be charged with a civil rights violation. Leave the sign.
2012-09-29 6:03 am
He owns the land ,you only rent it's his least in my state. Check your law, call the city or town clerk office.
2012-09-29 9:14 am
It's not your yard; it's his and he can put up any sign he wants to. You don't have the right to "misplace" the sign. And he isn't bringing you into any politicial "mess." You're making a mountain out of a molehill and creating drama where it doesn't exist. So chill out; elections aren't that far off. And when you own your own property you can put up whatever sign you want as well. In fact, why don't you get the sign you want and put in in the yard along with his?
2012-09-29 6:23 am
Unless the lease specifically gives him permission, he is intruding on your property. You certainly have the right to remove it in that case. If it is on the county right away, that is another issue. Still if it appears to be expressing your opinion, remove it unless they specifically have County permission to post it, and even then, who knows what goes on after dark.
2012-09-30 10:43 am

The answer is likely found in a local ordinance or your County law.

Although federal law may take precedence, it is likely not the case.
There are Free Speech laws and there are Property laws.

I know all of this is a headache but the point I am trying to drive home
here is that you don’t know under which jurisdiction of law this problem

I would suggest that you call your state’s Attorney General’s Office.
They will guide you to the correct outlet.

Use a speakerphone – you’ll get bounced around considerably by
prompts before you finally reach an actual person.
2012-09-29 6:03 am
I would lose it. Of course, you won't have any idea what happened to that sign.


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