Landlord put up political sign without my consent!!!!??? HELP!!?

2012-09-28 10:59 pm
Is it fair that my landlord put up the worst political canidate sign (wont say who dont want to cause and argument) in my yard without my consent? I live in iowa I dont know if there is some sort of law? I dont think its fair for him to bring us into his political mess. We support the opposing canidate. Will it be alright if they are "misplaced" or will i get in some trouble? help me please i am very bothered by this!!! thanks!

回答 (9)

2012-09-29 2:24 pm
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As rude as this is, this is NOT your land. Your consent is not required. They own the land, and can out up any legal sign they want to. Misplacing their sign would be theft and handled accordingly. You may find yourself evicted stealing from the landlord like that.

Just suck it up. You really have no choice.
2012-09-29 8:23 pm
If you are renting the property and it includes the lawn, then NO, he can't install the sign. Just remove it and keep quiet.
2012-09-29 8:10 am
These people that are trying to say that it is the landlord's yard and he can whatever he wants are total idiots and are clueness about the law.

You pay the rent and it is your yard to use as you see fit, not the landlord's. While the landlord can make certain reasonable rules, putting a sign in your yard is not one of them any more than he putting a political inside you kitchen. You are paying for the full right of use and occupancy. As a tenant you are entitled to your "quiet enjoyment". Putting up political sign on or in your yard/premises is not allowing you "quiet enjoyment".
2012-09-29 6:09 am
I think the other comments are on the money, but as far as removing them, wel;l, that's stealing and against the law.

However, I would take them down and set them on the grass beside the house/building. They are still on his no theft occurred.
2012-09-29 6:48 am
It is not your yard, it's his. He can put up signs on his property. You can put a sign in the window for the opposing candidate if you want to really confuse people :) Contact the landlord and explain your feelings.
2012-09-29 6:05 am
The landlord is within his rights to do so. It is HIS property. As a matter of fact, I've done the same with numerous of my properties on well travelled streets. And yes, you can get in trouble for removing the signs. The signs are HIS property, and you need to let them where they are.
2012-09-29 6:19 am
It's not your yard. It's his yard. He does not need your consent to post a sign in his yard.


A sign does not prohibit quiet enjoyment, and Glenn is also incorrect that if you rent a home you have eclusive use of the yard.
2012-09-29 6:06 am
If it's a single unit dwelling and the yard is truly "yours" and yours alone, then, unless specified otherwise in the lease, the landlord has surrendered the right to post such signage to you. You are paying for temporary ownership of the place and you are entitled to all the rights of ownership, temporary thought they may be.

Update: I'm seeing a lot of admitted landlords posting here saying how it's "the landlord's property". Understand that while the landlord's name may be on the deed, yours is on the lease. Read that lease. Unless it limits are specified, while you are paying for the use of the property (I assume this includes said yard), YOU (as in NOT the landlord) are the one entitled to almost all the rights of ownership. Don't be pushed around by some petty tyrant, my friend.
參考: I am also a landlord, though apparently a FAR more honest one than others posting here.
2012-09-29 6:01 am
The landlord owns the property and can do what he/she wants. Does your rental agreement grant you exclusive use of the from lawn/yard? Yeah, it sucks!

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