Does anyone know of a good ENT in Toronto that would be willing to perform a tonsillectomy due to tonsil stone?

2012-09-28 2:45 pm
I have been dealing with tonsil stones for two years now. I'm also suffering from BB and I don't know what to do. I've tried everything and my tonsil stones won't go away. They are lodge deep in my tonsils, I know I have them because they use to come out on their own. I'm a very hygienic person and this issue has caused my confidence to suffer. I don't speak to anyone now and I'm thinking of dropping out of my nursing program. It's caused me to communicate with my fiance, family, and friends less. I can't even remember the last time I kissed him. I can't smell my breath anymore but I know it's bad because I've heard people comment about it when they think I'm not paying attention. I've been to the doctors and he just prescribes me antibiotics that do nothing for my condition. I've decided to go see an ENT. Does anyone know of a good ENT in Toronto that would be willing to perform a tonsillectomy due to tonsil stones?

回答 (2)

2012-09-28 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
most general doctors just don't get tonsil stones.
most ENT's DO get it and i'd say the majority is willing to do a tonsillectomy.
i can't give you a specific name in toronto cuz i don't live there but i do live in the niagara falls/buffalo new york area nd i can tell you that the ENT i go to will do a tonsillectomy due to tonsil stones cuz thats why i got my tonsillectomy.
if you find yourself in a situation where no ENT in your area wants to do a tonsillectomy i'd recommend coming over here and seeing dr gregg zimmer at amherst ear nose and throat.
3950 East Robinson Road #106 Amherst, NY 14228
(716) 691-3500
參考: i'm 26 and i had my tonsils out 3yrs ago.
2014-09-26 5:48 am
It's important to say that tinnitus is a symptom and not a disease. Some people will have tinnitus because their Cochlea is damaged. And in a few, it could be caused due to hearing loss. But of course, the most common cause of tinnitus is exposure to loud noises. The noise can be a sudden burst, or it could be a constant banging that hits the ear drum and travels inside.

A good guide you can read about tinnitus and some good natural remedies can be found here:

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