Gift basket ideas?! What should I put in the gift basket?

2012-09-27 6:19 pm
Basically, my teacher is leaving soon to go aboard and I was thinking of doing a big basket full of goodies, but I'm not quite sure what I should put in.
I know I'm going to put some flowers and chocolates, but what else?
I can't put any alcohol in there or anything so don't suggest those!

PLEASE leave any reasonable suggestions below! Much appreciated. :)

回答 (4)

2012-09-27 6:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Many food items are not allowed to be taken on air planes.Every country has different laws on what foods can be brought into their country.
Flowers will die before take off.
Some magazines and a book and perhaps about $20 in singles for tipping would be appreciated.
2012-09-29 4:17 am
You should check out the unique gift baskets that Broadway Basketeers sells. Our baskets are perfect for holidays, birthdays and other fun occasions.
2012-09-28 1:26 am
How about some snacks and magazines for her trip.
2012-09-28 1:25 am
disposable camera, photo album, picture frame, scrapbooking items, book or crosswords for plane ride, airplane pillow, healthy snacks, mastercard giftcard can use worldwide.

Hope that helps
參考: Three nurses eating lunch

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