
2012-09-27 7:32 pm
Is the following two transformations the same :
(1) Enlarge/Contract f(x) by k times and then translate (up/down or left/right) by h units.
(2) Translate f(x) up/down or left/right by h units and then enlarge/contract by k times.
Please give explanation, thanks.

回答 (1)

2012-09-29 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They are not the same.
Let the original point be (a,b),
after (1) transformation, the new one is (ka + h, kb + h).
but after (2) transformation, the new one is (k(a + h), k(b + h)).
Odviously, they are not the same, unless k = 1, ie. no enlarge/contract.

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