can i opt out of my cellphone contract instead of upgrading my phone?

2012-09-27 3:42 am
I'm on t-mobile and I know for a fact that my contract will end in December. However, t-mobile sent me a message saying that I am eligible for an upgrade now. Can I just skip that and get out of my contract early without paying a fee?

回答 (2)

2012-09-27 3:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can cancel your contract, after your contract expires.
2016-12-19 12:09 am
If the "actual" international you don't get a clean telephone for loose while a clean variety is released, LOL....if so my motor vehicle is 12 years previous, they could owe be a clean motor vehicle each and every 12 months from while i offered my motor vehicle :0 you're able to desire to strengthen up, think of approximately won't be able to have the latest telephone for all time, you get a clean telephone each and every 2 years on a settlement, so watch for the 5S or study to handle waiting.

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