ENG???!!!plz help me~~

2012-09-27 6:15 am
我想問 managing human society in a way that shows regard for wildlife requires a change in mankind's thinking即係咩意思?

我想用呢個句式(in a way that shows regard for..requires..)尼作其他句,可唔可以俾D例子我?


以表現對野生生物的尊重的方式來管理人類的社會? 係米即係用對野生生物的的方式來管理人類的社會??唔好意思,我D中文好一般...你可唔可以講清楚D你呢句係咩意思?

回答 (4)

2012-09-27 9:02 am
✔ 最佳答案


原句:Managing human society in a way that shows regard for wildlife requires a change in mankind's thinking.

註:原句裡的 "regard" 指尊重,"wildlife" 指野生生物,"mankind" 指人類,"thinking" 指想法(跟下面造句的第1句裡的 "mind" 的意思一樣)。

而以 "in a way that shows regard for ... requires" 來造句,共造了兩句如下:

1. Managing a large, multinational enterprise in a way that shows regard for each customer's need requires both the breadths of mind and vision in the management.

2. Governing a great nation, with people in various ethnicities, cultures, religions and political attributes, in a way that shows regard for each person's right requires the huge tolerance in the ruler's mind, at least.



2012-10-12 01:59:09 補充:

我想原文所說「以表現對野生生物的尊重的方式來管理人類的社會」(Managing human society in a way that shows regard for wildlife)應是指:依據大自然法則,尊重各種野生生物的生存,不要過度干擾野生生物所在的生態系統(例如:不要採獵某種生物,或是令某種生物在一個環境裡過度繁殖),從而得以維繫人類社會所在的生態系統的平衡和生物多樣性,而讓生態系統裡的所有生物,包括人類在內,都能從中得益。
參考: 苗克阿肯
2012-09-29 1:57 am
thank you so much!!!!!!!!!

2012-10-12 23:05:46 補充:
oh,thanks x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000^^
2012-09-29 12:08 am
managing human society in a way that shows regard for wildlife requires a change in mankind's thinking

2012-09-27 9:35 am
It means no hunting of birds,snakes,tigers,wildlife etc in the sanctuary.
Also hunt less in the wilderness
Try give a safe and protected sanctuary for them to breed.
Hunting for reward be stopped.
Build up more sanctuary(=reserve)
This requires a change in mankind's thinking.
Sentence pattern:-
As a way regarding for (breeding wildlife), we require (a sanctuary).
As a way regarding (the ecology of Gt Barrier coral reef), we require (no oil pollution.)
Adverbial clauses are subordinate clauses which perform the function of adverbs:- being adverb clause of reason/cause.

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