
2012-09-26 12:32 am

回答 (2)

2012-09-30 4:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我的安省車牌已過期一年了,幾個月后有機會去溫哥華,可以順道更新牌照不用特意去多倫多一次? Ans. If a driver's licence has been invalid (expired, cancelled or suspended) for more than one, but fewer than three years, you must visit a DriveTest Centre to complete a vision test. If your licence has invalid for more than three years, you must pass vision, knowledge and road tests. If your licence has been invalid for over three years but not more than 10 years, you have to reapply under Graduated Licensing at a DriveTest Centre — the mandatory waiting periods are waived. If your licence has been invalid for over ten years, you have to reapply under graduated licensing at a DriveTest Centre and serve all the mandatory waiting periods.
參考: 小魚槍手
2012-09-26 8:06 am
當然唔得, 車牌係安省出,去屋太華renew 就得

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