Is it possible to have a unique story idea?

2012-09-24 10:09 pm
You see, I can come up with an idea for a story, then suddenly I'll see a movie or read a book and it will sort of have similar ideas that I was thinking. Then I will end up throwing away the story idea I had because I feel it has already been "taken". What do I do? How do I make sure my story ideas are not "already there"?

回答 (7)

2012-09-24 10:48 pm
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Technically it's impossible. You can only change so much to something before it's something else. An example is how a lot of people don't like to consider the vampires in the twilight series as vampires; people expect a vampire to burn or somehow become harmed in the sun and often associate some kind of beautiful or glittery reaction to sunlight to be another mythical creature like a unicorn or fairy, so having a vampire sparkle is considered a huge no-no because it's out of expectations.
For ideas, get ideas from people and things around you that aren't media-based. If anything it can be okay to combine the two like a character who loves a certain music star or something, but you probably shouldn't have media entertainment influence much deeper than that. If anything, you can always observe different technology trends in different parts of the world and see if there's anything that can be drawn from that like retirement homes in japan using robotic animals for therapy. Good luck!
參考: creative writing major - it's my specialty
2012-09-24 10:18 pm
There are no new stories, simply new characters. Don't be afraid to write what you want. If it's similar to another story, then oh well.
2016-09-21 3:40 pm
I have a tale concept. Kind of a cinderella like tale. Homer, a vibrant sixteen-12 months ancient teenage boy born with a infrequent situation that factors him have the frame of an ape than a child. All his lifestyles, he is been house-schooled and has few peers as a result of his animal look. Homer enters prime tuition for the primary time as at the same time a few pupils tease and bully him, a few pupils are petrified of him. Only the few pupils, who're additionally one-of-a-kind from their friends, are sympathetic and take a look at to aid him. Homer joins the acting arts, and develops an enamoring overwhelm on Anne, a fellow pupil in his theatre magnificence. While on his avenue to luck and successful the center of Anne, there are boundaries that thwart his ought to are compatible in and do whatever like different pupils. Will Homer have an understanding of his possess variations and hold to be adored? I may not supply away the relaxation of the plot or the finishing, however it is a tale of overcoming variations.
2012-09-24 10:28 pm
The way I make sure my story idea is unique, I use my imagination to come up with crazy ideas. I also just make my idea different if I hear it some where else.
2012-09-24 10:17 pm
I have the exact same problem. So here's my answer. Yes, there are unique story ideas:to a point. Virtually every basic story idea has been used time and time again, but it is the characters and specific actions that make a story unique, more so than the basic idea. Think of books you like, and perhaps compare them. You'd be surprised how much is common.
2012-09-24 10:12 pm
yes, if you unique up on it.

It has been said there are no new ideas. There truly is only 1 plot, 'Who am I'
all else is just variations on the theme.

Harry Potter was not unique, just a good twist on 'coming of age'
2012-09-24 10:10 pm
According to some scholars; there are no new story ideas; simply rehashes of Shakespeare's plays. Though I have seen many of those in Greek plays so I think he stole his ideas as well.

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