2012-09-24 4:23 pm
Recently I met an old friend who used to like me when we're in high school (we're now in college), just wanted you guys to help me analyze whether he still likes me or not?

1) His friend told me he used to like me...but that was years ago so I don't know if he still has feelings for me anymore

2) Our text patterns:
- The first night after we meet again, we had non-stop text marathon till 3a.m., the convo was smooth but there was no heavy flirting going on...
- BUT then a couple of days later, we started to text much less and it takes him hours to text me back

3) he questioned me about my interactions with other guy friends...like do i meet them often? have i been talking to them recently?

4) I met him later on another occasion, and he started to avoid eye contact with me AT ALL COSTS and acted aloof... he was acting so different and i'm so confused

5) Does he avoids me because he feels intimidated by me? Because I go to a better uni than him and my family is more well-off than his...etc.

so....what do you guys think? he likes me? he likes me not?

回答 (4)

2012-09-24 4:29 pm
To me, it sounds like he could be interested but he's trying to cover it up or something. Maybe he's just not sure how you feel about him, so he's tries to play off his feelings by acting aloof and taking forever to respond you, etc. Maybe try being a little more flirty and see if that'll help him to be more upfront
2012-09-24 4:27 pm
Goku nailed it... The only way your going to find out is if you ask him. None of those signs are give away the supported thesis to either side of the argument as they all could point in either direction depending on a lot of factors such as if he is shy or not.
2012-09-24 4:26 pm
He's definitely interested in you, but maybe as just a friend.
He doesn't seem 100% sure and it seems like he's testing you to find out if you like him.
My advice? Don't play games, life is short! If you like him, ask him on a date and call it a date so he knows. If you don't like him, mention how he's "like a brother" or something obvious like that.
2012-09-24 4:25 pm
ask him

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