
2012-09-25 6:57 am

He had a round and smooth face 像雞蛋殼般嫩滑.

He was a adorable and amiable and easy of access boy such 他的笑容像剛出生的小孩般天真無邪.

他身邊的人都喜歡跟他玩還有和他做好朋友.但是有一樣缺點,就是他很lazy and indolent, 就在今天,他又欠交功課了.

回答 (4)

2012-09-25 3:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He had a round and smooth face as smooth as the egg's shell.
He was an adorable, amiable and easily accessible boy such as a newly born naive child while smiling beautifully .
As people surrounding would like to play and make friendships with him and yet he had behaved lazily and indolently even forgot to hand in the lesson today.
2012-09-25 10:45 am
He has an egg-like face, round (oval?) and smooth.

He is an adorable, amiable and easy going boy. He has an innocent smile, just like a new born baby.

Everyone likes making friends with him and plays along with him. However, he is also a lazy and indolent boy. He did not turn in his homework today!

* Remarks:
Not sure why you used past perfect tense and past tense. Is he dead already? If not, please use present tense. Egg is in an oval shape, so i suggest you to use oval rather than round.If his face is round, then describe it as a ball maybe.Easy of access does not mean 容易相處/平易近人, but more like 容易進入
2012-09-25 8:40 am
He had a smooth and round face like the tender of an egg-shell.
He was an adorable and amiable and easy of access boy such that his smile was just like a naive+innocent child.
The people around him like to play and befriend with him; but have the drawback that he is from what is called lazy and indolent. He doesn't do the homework today!
2012-09-25 7:15 am
He had a round and smooth face like egg shell-like tender.

He was a adorable and amiable and easy of access boy such he smile Xianggang born child-like innocence.

The people around him like to play with him there and his good friends, but have the same drawback, is that he is lazy and indolent, just today, he non-payment of homework.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 13:29:44
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