I want to have a sleepover with my boyfriend..?

2012-09-24 4:54 am
But my parents won't let us, we're 16 and we don't want to have a sleepover to have sex. We just want to be able to sleep next to each other and have a relaxing night just watching movies for some us time. How can we do this without out parents finding out? I can't really sneak through his window because its second story. We live at least a mile or two apart.. I have a big camper in my back yard if that helps at all.. Any ideas/suggestions?

回答 (12)

2012-09-24 4:58 am
✔ 最佳答案

Remember your parents are at least twice as smart as you.

Listen to them.
2012-09-24 12:01 pm
Do you desperately need to sleep over at his house?..or visa versa?.. If not then please wait until you get your parents permission to do so. It will be better that way. No sneaking around...you'll lose their trust...if you already haven't. O.o
2012-09-24 12:00 pm
Listen to your parents.. I wanted to do the same at your age and I ended up losing my virginity to the wrong one
2012-09-24 12:00 pm
You could do the classic thing where you get your best friend to help you. Act like you and your bestie are haviing a sleep-over and ask your parentss. They say yes, but you really hang out with your bf. :) Or you can make a compromise with them. Say that they can "supervise" you while you watch the movies or that they can check on you every ten minutes or something that could make them happy. Or ask if he can hang out and act like he goes home but he never really does. idk i feel lame with my ideas GOOD LUCK!
2012-09-24 11:58 am
How well do you parents know him? If nothing else, talk to your parents and see if they will agree to have a movie night at your house with him. Sneaking it in would only make things worse should things with the guy go south, or your parents find out.
2012-09-24 11:58 am
um If it wasn't to have sexual intercourse you wouldn't have to "sneak" around. And if your parents say no see if his will let you come over and then tell your parents your going to a friends, and make sure if you decide to have sex wear a condom. We don't need anymore "16 and pregnant people" and if you really want him to come over tell your parents that you ALL could watch a movie and he can sleep on the couch or floor.
參考: my brain
2012-09-24 11:57 am
I simply wouldn't... You may think it will just be a relaxing night watching movies.. but you don't know about adolescent boys and their hormone levels. Your parents do and that is why they said No to this idea.
2012-09-24 11:56 am
Say you're sleeping over at one of your girl friends houses. Answer mine http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AqfzMqDg8pgR5hiypd2453kM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20120923203642AAKjXjf
2012-09-24 11:58 am
okay were right around the same age but i kind of agree with your parents that you guys shouldn't sleep together and yeah i do believe that you guys won't have sex. and this would probably work if you guys were at a hotel instead of at each others or outside your back yard or something. you can't really hide this from your parents so suggest you not to do this at all
2012-09-24 11:57 am
Tell ur mom ur going to a friends har him tell his parents the same then meet each other somewhere u can meet.
2012-09-24 11:59 am
Smart parents! You should NOT being having a "sleepover" at 16... We ALL know what.you really mean its no code. Don't be a slut
2012-09-24 11:56 am
uhh no yu little slut.

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