English 一問

2012-09-24 12:06 am
1.The early bird offer is very attractive .We should reserve the tickets as soon as possible.

回答 (4)

2012-09-24 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Early bird

"Early bird"(早出來覓食的雀仔)是idiom解提早來的人,"early bird offer"則是預早購票/報名的優惠,先到先得,通常便宜很多,可能很快額滿。
The early bird offer is very attractive. We should reserve the tickets as soon as possible.意思:

2012-09-24 17:09:14 補充:
hahatse( 知識長 ):
In fact TOMING88 is the earliest bird most of the time, getting the most worms again last week!!

2012-10-07 11:35:37 補充:
hahatse( 知識長 ):
Sometimes, the early bird may not get the worm if people do not vote honestly. It may happen again here.
2012-10-07 10:20 pm
接受不了批評的人, 又做了什麼?
在眼裡心裡只認為是批評, 而不是認為是互相切磋討論的, 心胸何其窄小!
寧犧牲別人的問題, 不惜一切後果而作, 其心.....可想而知....
2012-09-26 9:05 am
Putonghua Identity Akademie No.852
English Identity Akademie No.44
Italian Identity Akademie No.39

2012-09-26 01:07:16 補充:
Ai Bi Ci De Er Fa Gui Hu Ju Ke Li Mou Nian O Po Qi Ru Suo Tian Wei Xing Yu Zhou 2013
參考: 23 Jibenfa 2013
2012-09-24 5:34 am
果然是the early bird gets the worm,已經給eicachan知識長解答了,再無可答!!!

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