Why does the person that likes me start mean to me when I finally told him i like him back after 2 years?

2012-09-22 8:54 pm
This guy has liked me for 3 years. We have been friends for that long, he has pursued me and I have let him know last year I like him too, he got angry that I told him that and we stayed as friends. As friends he is so nice to me. Just recently I let him know again I had feelings for him again, and he has started being hateful and eyeing other girls. What is going on? It is obvious to everyone that he is infactuated with me.

回答 (1)

2012-09-25 6:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Maybe he felt hurt after having those unreciprocated feelings for 3 years and then to find out you only like him after that long. He's probably trying to get over the feelings and your confession only makes it harder.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 14:19:51
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