✔ 最佳答案
------A Jumble Sale For Charity------
------The Jumble Sale for Charity is a charity jumble sale in our school.The school helps this organization out of charity,not self interest.I'll tell you later. Our school is called Oi Tung Estate School in the East where. the school motto is "Charity for all"
------Since the Sale will be held on Sunday Sept30,we are well organised already. We want you to donate clothes,shoes,objects and other goods for the charity jumble sale. Volunteers and taxis are ready to come to help you at your house. It costs little but operates successfully in this way.
------We will have nine fun fair stalls+kiosk, Jumbo Dumble,Coconut shy,Talent show and Charity Concert. The concert will be a public performance of music for guest of honour and visitors .Once you enter the Charity Jumble Sale,the music will welcome you all!
-------The concert will raise money for local charities.We have organised to raise money for the TW gp of hospitals Kindergarten section for their new school at Aldrich Garden. Do you know that raffle tickets are on sale at our school office and their hospital gp office?All our schoolmates are selling raffle tickets on streets around HK. Do you give much to this Charity Jumble Sale? Your financial support+gifts are needed.
------All the schoolmates are devoted largely to charitable work under our teachers and hospital gp officials' training since last summer.
------The interesting things at the sale will be the Charity railway line train riding which runs all around AldrichBay in a large rectangle. This one hour journey will be an exciting discovery exhilarating between Aldrich Bay and the Eastern Corridor.The main line will eventually stop at the Charity Concert Hall Station .Having paid your special raffle tickets,we think the raising money for a Jumble Sale for Charity will be a success.