Permutation & Combination

2012-09-22 5:01 pm
12 parcels are to be delivered to 12 places. Of which, 3 parcels will be delivered to 3 places in the same district successively and 4 parcels will be delivered to 4 places in another district successively. Find the no. of delivery sequences. ( Ans. 725760)

回答 (1)

2012-09-22 7:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Firstly, the Permutation of the 3 parcels delivered to 3 places in the same district successively is 3! and that of the 4 parcels is 4!

Now we can see the 3 parcels as a whole and the 4 parcels as a whole, then there seem to be 7 parcels

the permutation of 7 parcels is 7!

then the no. of the delivery sequences is 7! x 4! x 3!



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